Loving Lifting

MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
I've been lifting weight with my husband about 5 days a week since last week and I am loving how my body feels! I feel weird not doing cardio as much though. How much cardio are most of you doing? I am just curious for those lifters, what a typical workout week looks like for you.


  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    I'm having a hard time adjusting as well - I got done with my first NROWL workout yesteday and thought, that's it? I mean - it was difficult, and I am SORE today....but it was all over in 32 minutes! But hey, if it works and I have extra time on my hands to boot - I'll take it!

    FYI, my current "schedule" is:

    Monday - AM easy run + lifting (I run to and from my gym, which is about 1.5 miles from home)
    Tuesday - roller derby scrimmage
    Wednesday - AM easy run, PM lifting
    Thursday - roller derby practice
    Friday - boot camp or lifting
    Saturday - whatever I feel like doing (including rest!)
    Sunday - longish run or roller derby practice

    It's an ambitious schedule, but I give myself permission to skip when I'm not feeling up to it or to switch things up if, say, the weather's really nice and I'd rather go for a bike ride than something on my schedule. I'm trying not to skip the lifting though. I'm the kind of person who needs to be over-scheduled rather than under. I'm keeping close watch on myself for signs of overtraining, but none yet! Good luck!
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I run 1-2 days a week. If it's one day, it's usually 5+ miles.

    And my 8k times are actually better now than when I was running more. It's weird.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I'm just trying to find a good balance. I do enjoy cardio, now I just need to work it in to a new plan and be consistent with it.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I am doing New Rules of Lifting for women 3x per week, I go for a walk almost every day for about 30 minutes (it's not like speed walking though, just pushing the stroller), HIIT for 20 minutes at least once a week. Sometimes I throw a spin class in there.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    oh and I was doing spin 4x per week plus walking before I started lifting and I wasn't really seeing results. Since I started lifting and cut back on the cardio I am seeing way more results.
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    i lift everyday for about 30-40 mins..alternating days between upper and lower body. I do about 30 mins. of cardio 2-3 times a week.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I am in your boat as far as adding more weight days to my routine. I am a flight attendant so my routine on the road is very flexible. Some hotels have a great workout room, others, not so much. I try to get the bulk of my weight lifting in when I am home at my gym. I try to do one day on, cardio the next, lift again so I am lifting 3 days a week and about 30 min a day on the cardio days. It has been really awesome to see the changes in my body. My arms have a nice shape and I think my legs are looking much better. I think the key is to find balance and make changes that are sustainable for a lifetime and not just something to do for a while. Slow and steady is my motto and I feel great! Good luck to you, I wish you the best!!
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I run 1-2 days a week. If it's one day, it's usually 5+ miles.

    And my 8k times are actually better now than when I was running more. It's weird.
    Rest is an amazing ally :D
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks ladies! Love you guys on here!