OK.. I quit... But I'm back...

StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
... and looking for some MFP friends to hold me accountable!

In the time I've been away (about a month) I have drastically overhauled my eating (I was eating FAR too little, and am now eating 2000 - 2400) and experimented with some heavy lifting in my apartment complex gym.

Problem being that I don't get up and go to the gym first thing in the morning, which is when I was doing JMBR, and I don't really have time to do that when I get home from work, so that means no workout!

So I'm back, and working out before work in the mornings to get my bum moving! Any friends would be lovely for the journey - particuarly if you're only a week or two into the program!

Steph x


  • chm2616
    chm2616 Posts: 434 Member
    Glad that you're back! I am actually eating a lot more since doing this program (now in week 7). I have lost a few pounds, but more impressive (to me anyway!) is that I have lost 20 inches all over my body! WOO HOO! and my muscles are toning up and lookin' gooooooooood!

    I get up at 4:30 every morning to work out and to get ready for work. My car pool leaves at 6:45 and I need time to workout, shower, etc and I don't like to feel rushed. But, let me tell you, doing those workouts in the morning has given me SO MUCH more energyy to deal with the 7th graders I teach! (And some mornings I am SO TIRED but I just do the best I can.) When I get home, I try to go for a walk outside (weather permitting) or go on the treadmill. I think the extra cardio in the afternoon has been working for me too. Yesterday I couldn't do my afternoon workout and was like "NOOOOOOOO!!" lol, but I accepted it and moved on!!

    good luck with everything and I'm here if you need me!!!

    Your MFP,
    Erin Chm :bigsmile: