Hi All! New to group

Hey everyone!

Just joined, looking for support because I realized at my doctors' visit this morning that I'm only 5 pounds away from my highest weight. I'm 5'5" and currently 135. I know that's not obese or really overweight, but it feels bad to me especially when 2 years ago I was at my goal "happy" weight of 125. I seem to carry much of the weight in my belly, but complicating this is the fact that I have congenital heart disease, have had 5 open heart surgeries, and have a pacemaker implanted in my abdomen - which means I have to be really careful about the kind of exercises I do. When I was at my goal weight, I was doing yoga 3-4 times a week, which made me feel good and was a safe way to exercise. I'm currently working on finding a new gym (I've moved 2x in 2 years!), and think I may have found a winner, but in the meanwhile, althought I walk to and from work, it's only a 15 minute walk each way, and then I sit at a desk for 8 hours! I was interested in starting waist training, so I don't look so much like a boy, but there's no way I'm starting that until I've lost at least 5 pounds! So I'm excited to start being accountable again, trying to live healthier, but still feeling pretty bummed from this morning's realization! Any tips, tricks, questions you have for me are welcome! Thanks all, and have a great day!
