Using MFP to track ...

OK, so I'm totally on board with the basics - I understand BMR vs. my TDEE and I have those numbers. My question is really more about logistics with MFP.

I like to set my base daily calorie goal and then eat back my exercise calories. I prefer this for 2 makes it easier for me if all I have to do is try to get my net number to/close to zero each day, and I feel like it helps vary my caloric intake (i.e. I'm not always eating within the same 100 calorie range each day; seems to keep my metabolism guessing).

So what's the best way to put stuff into MFP? Should I set my daily goal = BMR (or BMR + 200, or something)? Or am I really better off just figuring it each day based on my TDEE and whether or not I exercised?

Am I making any sense?! :tongue:


  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I have MFP set to maintain my current weight. My TDEE minus the 15% cut is like 1632. MFP is at 1740. So far so good.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    I think where I'm confusing myself is in my TDEE calculation, actually. I work out most weeks 4-6x/week. But I have 3 small kids, and depending on life events at the time, my workouts fluctuate. Some weeks (like this one) I average longer workouts with burns on average around 700+ calories. But when things get busy, even though I'm still working out 4-6 days/week, I get in smaller workouts with burns averaging more like 300-400 calories.

    Well, that kind of intensity/duration change in my workouts throws off my TDEE calculations. if I calculate my TDEE, depending on which "category" of burn I use, I get anywhere from 2200 to 2490 (my BMR is 1600). So I'm wondering if there's a way to track in MFP that lets me go based off of that 1600, which doesn't change, and just eat back my exercise calories to get to the "current" TDEE-15%. Or should I just, say, average the two TDEEs since I'm in this for the long haul and use that?
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    OK, so I'm talking to my husband and maybe I've been over-thinking this.

    What if I just figure my TDEE as if I'm sedentary? That gives me a TDEE-15% = 1637. Then any exercise I do should just be gravy on top, right? i.e. eat back the exercise cals? right?

    I think I need to stop obsessing - I'm confusing myself. LOL :laugh: