Confused :/ I am BURNING THE SAME AS I EAT! Eat Less?

secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
Ok, so I started this eat more thing and I really love it.. u know as a lifestyle and not as a quick fix.. Im willing to fuel my body the proper way instead of starve it at around 1200-1400 calories per day...

OK heres my new ?

My BMR is 1428
My TDEE is 2447 - the 500 to lose a pound per week is: 1947 which I just keep it around 1900 calories for now..

If I round off my BMR to: 1400 and today I burned 400 calories with exercise
then in TOTAL I burned 1800 calories today, right?

And we are suppose to: "BURN MORE CALORIES THEN YOU EAT.."
So, should I lower my calorie intake to around 1600? or



  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    You're leaving out your NEAT calories- calories you burn from eating, walking to the car, showering, cooking, cleaning, standing in line etc.

    BMR is coma food- if you were in a coma, that's what they'd feed you through a tube. As soon as you wake up- you're into TDEE territory (which includes NEAT cals).

    Eat 1947 every day- it will even out.
  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    Okay, I will try to help. You figure out your TDEE and that should include your exercise. If you have a day that you are super active, then you would eat more. You never want your numbers to go below your BMR. Also, you should cut just 15% off of your TDEE which I thiink for you is 2080. That will give you a slower loss but you will have enough food to fuel your workouts and promote muscle gain and fat loss. Try staying at 2080 for several weeks, it sounds scary but people in this group swear it works!! I am at maintenance for a while and I have stayed steady so far, plus I am not deprived at all!! Hope this helps a little??
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    ^ THIS ^
    thanks :) Um, I did the minus 15% and yea I round it off to around 1900..
    So, ok I will just keep eating that then :)
    and thanks bunches everyone!