medical issues getting in the way?

nill4me Posts: 682 Member
Hello folks~
I'd like your thoughts on a couple of things...I've been eating at a higher calorie cound for about two months...since the beginning of march. I stalled out, and that is when i found this group. this is also when I started Zumba. I have alot of weight to lose (about 70 to go). I've been stalking alot, and there is one thing that i see when i read about any weight loss tactic that makes me a little uptight.

"As long as you don't have any diabetic or thyroid problems this should work fine for you". I have both, but both are perfectly under control....moreso (for the diabetes) since I've started moving. Unfortunately, I'm also still stalled... i had a 3lb drop last week, but its back. which is really a drag.

I guess my real question is (if anyone knows), would I need to modify or adapt this methodology to accommodate my medical issues? My ultimate goal is to get that Type 2 reversed, and i think i can do it. I've already brought my a1c down from almost 8 to under 6.

Diary is open, thoughts would be appreciated. Just got a fitbit too, more for awareness and motivation than anything else.

Thanks everyone.


  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I wanted to add that the zumba is 3-5 days a week. I just got some jillian michaels dvds that im working on getting brave enough to i used scoobys site and currently have a calculated bmr of 1700, tdee with cut of around 1977.
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I think you have the 2 medical issues that will "get in the way" but are not impossible to detour around.

    I checked your diary: a LOT of processed foods, NOT a lot of fiber, didn't really see any 'real' veggies and your NET is super low some days.

    ALL of THESE are also "getting in the way". Your exercise is VERY good but you would probably need to add a couple of days of weight training to use this method.

    You also can NOT be focussed on the SCALE if you want to use this method~ sure it can be a guide but it's not the determining factor of the success~ your MEASUREMENTS and CLOTHING SIZE and how you LOOK is what we're going for here. If you are solely going to base the success of this method on the scale, you've come to the wrong place and are in for a LONG, HARD summer!

    We are also trying to repair our messed up metabolisms after years of yo-yo dieting. We want to eat like grown-ups and not 4 year old children.

    I would think that balancing/repairing your metabolism by eating well would greatly benefit your diabletes~not sure how much of a role diet plays in thyroid conditions. (I know that our emotions DO contribute to both thyroid AND diabetes so NOT worrying about the scale should pay off eventually, right?)

    Good Luck~ others will have more to say~ hope I gave you ONE perspective to think on........
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    I think you have the 2 medical issues that will "get in the way" but are not impossible to detour around.

    I checked your diary: a LOT of processed foods, NOT a lot of fiber, didn't really see any 'real' veggies and your NET is super low some days.

    ALL of THESE are also "getting in the way". Your exercise is VERY good but you would probably need to add a couple of days of weight training to use this method.

    You also can NOT be focussed on the SCALE if you want to use this method~ sure it can be a guide but it's not the determining factor of the success~ your MEASUREMENTS and CLOTHING SIZE and how you LOOK is what we're going for here. If you are solely going to base the success of this method on the scale, you've come to the wrong place and are in for a LONG, HARD summer!

    We are also trying to repair our messed up metabolisms after years of yo-yo dieting. We want to eat like grown-ups and not 4 year old children.

    I would think that balancing/repairing your metabolism by eating well would greatly benefit your diabletes~not sure how much of a role diet plays in thyroid conditions. (I know that our emotions DO contribute to both thyroid AND diabetes so NOT worrying about the scale should pay off eventually, right?)

    Good Luck~ others will have more to say~ hope I gave you ONE perspective to think on........

    Thanks very much....i do appreciate the inputs. I know i do eat more processed foods than i should, and i do need much more fiber, and i am working on that. I travel for work alot (2 weeks out of the month), so sometimes trying to work the good stuff in, rather than just filling in the gaps is quite the challenge.

    No excuses, just something i need to continue to work on. I hear what you say about the scale too. I'm working on that obsession point as well - and getting much better on that front. The only time i really hop on now is if i'm feeling rather "light", or rather "heavy", just as a gauge. I nake the comment about needing to lose 70lbs more as an overall guide. If i trim up, and only end up losing 25 overall, per se, I'm fine with that. Better health is my ultimate goal.

    I did just start taking measurements last week. I really wish i had done that from the beginning, as I know that i've had decreases, just in the way some of my clothing now fits, and in some of the clothing i can now wear... My husband and daughter tell me constantly that i look better as well...which is great.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Since you travel, I suggest instead of eating out, if your hotel room has a fridge, go and stock up on healthy choices for snacks and such. There are a host of items you can purchase at a local grocery store and keep in the fridge and eat as meals or snacks while at the hotel. I don't go ANYWHERE without my protein drink. Dr Mercola Pure Power protein...made from organic cows, full of chia seeds (8gr of FIBER per serving) and chocolate is so tasty. Also, hotels always have a gym onsite. Go and hit the weight room for an hour session while there if possible.

    I don't suggest cutting any calories... regardless of what the scale says, our bodies need a certain amount of fuel (GOOD FUEL) to function. We also need to stress the muscles (weight training) to see changes in them and do a little cardio to help burn up fat stores as well.

    So let's really give this a full hearted go and get the above things in line and the shrinking will occur. I too have a thyroid issue so we have that in common;-)
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Thanks, and i appreciate the feeback. I try to stay in a residence inn when i travel. So I actually do usually go to the grocery and get my greek yogurt, berries, almonds, PB & celery, fruit and such for breakfast and lunches for the week. I think one of my major downfalls is the nutrisystem meals i've been bringing with me. Those are alot of the gap fillers that i use...I don't usually eat out. I work with those folks all day....i don't want to spend my evenings with them as well :-D

    I also used to always have a subway sub (ham, turkey w/ pickles & onion on dressing, only salt, pepper and oregano) on Thursdays (the day i fly home). It would fill me up because i have quite a stint from the time i leave work until i get home and can have a snack (7 hours). I'm going to find a way to improve on that this upcoming week.

    I travel on Sunday night again, and will take a look at the gym to see if they have weights. I hope so. If not, I will bring one of my Jillian M. workouts that uses bodyweight for resistance, just in case. I also have resistance bands...i could toss those in my suitcase too. they weigh far less than

    Sorry to hear about your thyroid issues, but i'm relieved to know all isn't lost. Thanks again!!