What's your C25K training schedule?



  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    1.Im on week 7 day 3 (tomorrow)
    2.I do take rest days, and try to stick to the program outline. On alternate days I lift weights.
    3.I actually stopped at week 4 for a couple months and then picked back up at week 5.
    4.Sometimes life, and a rotten toddler, get in the way and o can't finish a week in 7 days, but I try to.
    5.Im training for a 5k in july (my 2nd), to benefit the mentally challenged.
    6.It depends. In the treadmill im at about 6mph. On the road and cross country it anywhere from. 4.5 to 5.5 mph. Of course im usually pushing a stroller.;-)
  • lodicox7
    lodicox7 Posts: 101 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now? Week 3, Day 2. Distance track.

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? So far I haven't been, but as the runs get more challenging I know I'll need to start. Don't want injuries!!

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? shortened

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? I've been trying to keep to a seven day period, but I've been extra motivated to exercise due to the stress of buying my first home, so i try not to waste the motivation when I have it. :P

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Pancreactic Cancer Action Network's PurpleStride 5K. Running for my Grandma, who I lost a little over a year ago (very quickly) to the disease, and who would have been 77 on the day of the race.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? Right now my run intervals are between 9:45-10:45ish, which I actually think is too fast for me at this point. I get winded really easily while running and I need to learn to run at a slower pace until I can actually complete a 5K, and control my breathing. Overall pace is about 12 min.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Right now my run intervals are between 9:45-10:45ish, which I actually think is too fast for me at this point. I get winded really easily while running and I need to learn to run at a slower pace until I can actually complete a 5K, and control my breathing. Overall pace is about 12 min.

    sounds like you and I are in a similar place... A beginner, running more often and faster than I should :) I have a REALLY tough time pacing myself too. I hope this gets easier for you (I'm sure it will!)
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    Right now my run intervals are between 9:45-10:45ish, which I actually think is too fast for me at this point. I get winded really easily while running and I need to learn to run at a slower pace until I can actually complete a 5K, and control my breathing. Overall pace is about 12 min.

    sounds like you and I are in a similar place... A beginner, running more often and faster than I should :) I have a REALLY tough time pacing myself too. I hope this gets easier for you (I'm sure it will!)

    The program will force you to slow down. When I started I was running much faster during the run intervals, too. But once you're faced with running 20 minutes straight for the first time, you will find yourself naturally slowing down to pace yourself.... at least I did :smile:
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now? Week 2

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days? When I started out, I didn't. But when I forced myself to take time off, I found that I had more stamina when I came back. I have finally accepted the notion that you train for your goal. And the goal of the Cto5k program is to build your endurance, not to burn tons of calories (which was my focus when I was running without time off). So, I do something else besides running on my "rest" days.

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all? Extended. If I'm enjoying myself, I keep going.

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late? I always start the next week late. This is my 3rd time trying to get through the program, and I think I failed before by pushing myself too hard...I had not accepted the logic of #2, that you train for your goal. Pushing myself was good for calorie burning and overall fitness, but not good for building either my physical or mental endurance (running nonstop is as much a mental feat as a physical one). I have vowed to slow the program down this time...I don't move on until I can comfortably get through week.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for? Not yet.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run? I plead the fifth. At 4'11" I have a short stride, and I have never been good at endurance activities. I run about as fast as many people walk. So I'm not fessin' up...
  • renokt87
    renokt87 Posts: 7 Member
    1. Where are you in the C25K program right now?
    I did week 5, day 1 this morning. Pretty concerned/intimidated by week 5, day 3.

    2. Do you always take rest days in between run days?
    Yes. Right now I'm doing Monday, Wednesday, Friday (this week I did Tuesday instead of Monday because of the holiday). However, I also do hot yoga Monday through Thursday, so I get a workout (sometimes double) every week day.

    3. Have you extended or shortened the C25K program at all?
    It took me a couple tries in the beginning, not because it was too hard, but because I wasn't motivated. I repeated week 1, but this go-around I haven't taken a break.

    4. Do you usually complete a training week of C25K within a 7 day period, or do you ever start the next week early/late?
    Yes. I've been doing Monday-Wednesday-Friday pretty consistently.

    5. Is there a particular race you're training for?
    I signed up for the Run-A-Muck on June 16th. It's not very competitive, and it's an obstacle course so the running is broken up. I will have just finished week 7 the day before the race.

    6. Also... How fast do you generally run?
    On the treadmill, I walk at 4.0 and run at 6.0.