Does it make sense? BMR, TDEE, etc. Help me!!! ;)

Hi all!! My name is Melissa! I have been lurking around past few weeks and decided to start this journey last week Tuesday. However I've been eating bad on and off due to vacation. I've tried my best. Last Monday, I started eating clean, and eating whole 1,948 calories.

30 years old
152ish lbs
I work out 5-6x a week (60-75 minutes at the most) I'm doing Les Mills Pump (low weights with high reps) with Chalean Extreme (weight training) and some Hiit cardio in between.

BMR: 1,478
I use Moderate activity (1.55)
That gave me TDEE: 2,291
I used 15% calorie reduction as recommended by the board, which gives me 1,948 calorie per day with 40/30/30.

Ok , my question is:

Does that makes sense? I work at a desk job. I usually have 1-2 days of rest. so do I continue to eat 1,948 calories unless I burnt more than 470 calories, I have to eat back calories. However, what about the day I rest? should I be eating less?

Please feel free to check my diary and let me know how I did.

That is all :)


  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    I've lost 179 lbs past 5 y ears this July wmith Weight Watchers, I decided to transfer from WW to MFP 2 months ago because I was struggling for past year-- only lost 4-5lbs but I got leaner. However, I knew something was wrong due to my irregular period, lack of energy, etc. I saw this board and bascially you guys saved my life!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Nope you eat that amount every single day hun! Enjoy it. Remember when you get out of bed you are burning calories....the TDEE just avgs out your information over the week, so your cut amount you eat it and enjoy it everyday!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Ok, but does the numbers make sense? Am I moderately active as I used 1.55 (since I burn average 300-600 per day 5-6x a week). I will definitely eat all of 1,948 everyday except for days I burnt more than 470 calories. Awesome! Any information is greatly appreciated!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Eat the 1948 every day and see how it goes. I bet it will be perfect. If you increase your exercise a good amount over and above what you already included in your TDEE calculation, eat back the difference in calories burned. I've just started trying this yesterday, so here's to us!!!:drinker:
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I just want to say that your stats and pictures are AMAZING!!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Thanks!! It has took me long time to get where I am. I want to be able to maintain this weight or lose some but at same time enjoy this lifestyle. I don't want to be on diet-- be cranky and all that.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH .;)
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Eat the 1948 every day and see how it goes. I bet it will be perfect. If you increase your exercise a good amount over and above what you already included in your TDEE calculation, eat back the difference in calories burned. I've just started trying this yesterday, so here's to us!!!:drinker:

    Will definitely do this! I am excited.. So here's to us!!!! <3
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Thanks!! It has took me long time to get where I am. I want to be able to maintain this weight or lose some but at same time enjoy this lifestyle. I don't want to be on diet-- be cranky and all that.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH .;)

    I feel the same way!!

    I'm also 30 and I wish I looked as smokin' hot as you!

    I still have a good 40 lbs to go but I really want to do it the right too, no starving.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Thanks!! It has took me long time to get where I am. I want to be able to maintain this weight or lose some but at same time enjoy this lifestyle. I don't want to be on diet-- be cranky and all that.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH .;)

    I feel the same way!!

    I'm also 30 and I wish I looked as smokin' hot as you!

    I still have a good 40 lbs to go but I really want to do it the right too, no starving.

    You look GORGEOUS!!!! 40 lbs isn't that bad!!! What kind of workouts are you doing? what is your tdee, bmr, tdee with 15%? I am curious ;)

    I'm feeling SO BLOATED!!!!! Yea... lol.. how long have you been doing it?