Intro + Question

IcassI Posts: 248 Member
Hi ladies! I just recently ordered and received the NFOL4W book and I am excited to get started. I started my weight loss journey in January with Turbo Fire and counting calories. I have lost 25 lbs thus far and I am 6 lbs away from my goal weight.

I have signed up to have boudoir pictures taken on June 23rd. Do you think 6 weeks is enough time to see visible results from NFOL4W? I plan to start the program on Monday and lift 3 days a week and do cardio (probably Turbo Fire) 2 days a week.

Thanks for any feedback!


  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    If you're only 6 lbs away from your goal, I definitely think you would see visible results in 6 weeks.