These numbers seem crazy

roughtown Posts: 7 Member
I was randomly looking at the recent topics and came across a topic discussing uping your calorie count to compensate for regular exercise, which eventually led me here. I'm completely new to regular exercise having never done it for my life up to this point so I have no baseline to compare against, but I've been running around 5 days a week and planning on reducing that to 4 with strength training on the off days. I've lost 52lbs at this point and have about another 30 to go but have been stuck at this particular plateau for close to a month and everything I've been reading in the stickies is making a lot of sense. However, these numbers seem absurd after eating 1650cal for the past 6 months (started around 1800, that's what MFP had me at for -2lbs a week)...

I'm a 6'3" tall male and the tools are telling me my BMR is around 2200cal and that for moderate activity I should be eating close to 3300cal a day. That seems crazy and I guess I was looking for confirmation and perhaps an approach to how I should start ramping up to twice what I was eating daily before.

As an intro here's a /r/loseit post I made for the 50lb point giving some background.


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    You're a 6 ft 3 MAN eating 1650? Mercy, child...go hit the fridge! :-) That is waaaay too low and your metabolism is going to be so slow.

    Put your stats in here and eat that every day. You need a lot of food to fuel that much man. My husband is that tall and I can't imagine him eating less than me! Go for it!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    You're a 6 ft 3 MAN eating 1650? Mercy, child...go hit the fridge! :-) That is waaaay too low and your metabolism is going to be so slow.

    Put your stats in here and eat that every day. You need a lot of food to fuel that much man. My husband is that tall and I can't imagine him eating less than me! Go for it!

    ^^ what she said^^
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hey! Another guy in the group!.

    You can check my posts and what not.

    My BMR is 2544
    My TDEE is 3980 ish

    My TDEE Cut is 3154

    Yes its a lot, but I have been losing inches and some lbs

    Remember its not a free ticket to eat whatever you want, you still need to make healthy choices and stay within your macros.
  • roughtown
    roughtown Posts: 7 Member
    And here I've been fretting for months if I go a bit over my MFP Goals, seems strange that they're auto amounts are so far off what they should be, but I can't argue with the results thus far. I just know now that I've still got a lot more reading and learning to do if I'm going to continue towards my goals. Thanks for all the responses, they've definitely helped get rid of some of my fears. As for cooking, I do most of my own which has been the most fun part, I'll have to start looking into more robust meals and perhaps some protein powders!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    They do seem high, but definitely try it out. I eat 2400 calories a day- I'm female, 5'11", age 32, and 175 lb. I'm still losing pounds and inches eating this much food. My husband is close to your height and weight and he eats well over 3000 calories and has the same results.