10 Things I Learned Training for a Half Marathon



  • halffullpgh
    halffullpgh Posts: 74 Member
    Love this
  • brenstar05
    brenstar05 Posts: 70 Member
    I know this is an old post... I am a new member to this group and I just wanted to say that I very much enjoyed this list. I have to agree on most of the points. However, I do think the squirrels are out to get me and I think it's a nationwide conspiracy. :) Thank you for the smile!!!
  • heatherspiro
    Thanks for the tips. My family thinks im crazy but that only makes me more motivated to do better. Im glad i found this app and hope to find others who get it.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I haven't been bit, but I've definitely been threatened. Last week a man eventually took his rottweiler back to the car because it wouldn't leave me alone and let me run by. I don't know if pooch got grounded or if he was let out again once I was gone. The one that scared me the most was a Burnese Mountain Dog. BIIIIIG dog! Ran out of the bushes at me when I was running in the early morning dark, and barked and growled very threateningly whenever I moved even a bit. I was getting my bear spray out when a group of dog walkers came into sight, and as they walked by me, one of them called the dog off. Nice folks. Don't call it off when you get into sight, don't talk to the victim, just walk by as if nothing was happening.

    I've heard of some runners carrying a ball to throw to any dogs who come along to get it to play instead of prey. Or carrying a dog biscuit to make friends. My bear spray fits on my belt but I don't really have any other room to carry dog things.