Is my math right?????

Hi there ..... A very good friend on MFP recommended that I join the group.....

My name is Karen 34 years young and 158cm "tall" weight loss has stalled .... when I started way back when I was 87kg (191.4lb) I am now 73 kg (160.0lb) I want to get to 59kg (130lb) and I am stuck stuck stuck.

I started on MFP and had some good results and then I started to gym....and now nothing... I fluctuate around a certain weight (73) and cannot get the scale to move down at all.

So I've been reading posts etc and have worked out what my BF is and how many calories I should be eating a day......including exercise....and I think I have it s right.....

2033 calories = BMR so minus 15% takes it to 1784....which is what I should eat and I don't eat my exercise calories back...right?

I exercise about 3 - 4 times a week burning about 400 cals each time - working towards upping this to 600 (once I am over the flu)

feeling a bit nervous .....and excited to start ....just need to know - is my math right?


  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Hi there, you are not cutting from your BMR, you cut from your TDEE.

    Your BMR is actually 1480, TDEE is 2294 at moderate exercise level so your cut of 15% is 1950. So you would eat 1950 every day and not eat exercise calories back unless your burn takes you below your BMR. Then you eat back up to your BMR.
  • kazmack1978

    makes perfect sense now!!!!

    Here's hoping I kick the fat in the butt!