Someone tell my I'm going the right way!?

Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
Hi there!
Well, I think it is already a sign that I joined this group!! I experienced the whole 'exercise-too-much-and-eat-less' thingy myself and even if I do not have a lot of weight to loose, these few pounds stand between me and my dreambody/fitness goal!!! So for once, I decided to do it right and get my bodyfat down, loose these pounds I put back on after the last miserable approach using wrong tactics. I already realised a few weeks ago after calculating my BMR which is around 1280 that I was obviously not eating enough, even though I was used to 5 small meals a day before already and keeping a very clean diet. That probably prevented my weight from going up drastically, but still it went up! The last few weeks I have been trying to eat at least my BMR or a little above that, always eating ALL exercise cals back. I lost 2 pounds the first two weeks and gained 3 the following week. This week it went down 0.3 lbs (still above start weight).
So, am I on the right track now?? I really want to do this the healthy way and want to look like that as well. Maybe some more experienced folks here can have a look at my diary and give me opinions as well??
I am 5'4'' and 127.3 lbs at the moment.
I do appreciate any input and motivation to keep going this way, even though it feels weird going higher in cals and eating all the time!


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Have you done your TDEE calculations to see the amount that you should be eating each day?

    Since you are very close to your goal, it' probably best to start getting those cals as close to what they need to be as possible.

    What does this calculator give you for TDEE?

    You should probably select "gain muscle/lose fat" or a very small deficit, if any...

  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply!!

    They give me a TDEE of 1994 ( I have chosen 3-5 hrs of exercise weekly, hope that's the right one for me) and a BMR of 1286. BMR is exactly the number that I got from earlier calculations. I just thought I cannot go higher immediately in calories, so at the moment I try to get at least BMR in plus exercise cals. What do you think about my diary?
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    HOw come you can't go higher immediately with your calories?
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    I simply need to get used to eating more!! And finding the tweaks in choosing the right foods to reach that level with a good composition! Before I was so used to eat under 1000 cals a day and still exercise like crazy. I do not want to 'shock' my body, I hope it can slowly adapt to the higher cals...
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply!!

    They give me a TDEE of 1994 ( I have chosen 3-5 hrs of exercise weekly, hope that's the right one for me) and a BMR of 1286. BMR is exactly the number that I got from earlier calculations. I just thought I cannot go higher immediately in calories, so at the moment I try to get at least BMR in plus exercise cals. What do you think about my diary?

    If your TDEE is 1994, then you should be eating 15% of that every day (exercise cals are already included so you wouldn't need to eat those back)

    Your diary is fine. It's good that you are not netting below BMR.

    If you find yourself stuck at any point, though, I'd recommend sticking to eating the same amount (close to TDEE) every day. Consistency is very important in the beginning, because you gain your body's trust, and it lets go a lot quicker. Plus if you are wanting to put on muscle and lose inches in the process, you'll need to be eating a bit more (keeping muscles means your body needs to be fed, or else your body will break them down for energy, and deplete all your efforts, becoming skinny fat). Otherwise, it starts to feel like you are spinning your wheels.

    Also, if you ultimately plan on upping your cals, it's best to go ahead an start, because your body cannot adjust until you hit a cal level consistently. You will likely receive fluctuation at every cal level until then.

    That is why many people choose to just dive right in, and let the fluctuations work themselves out.....

  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Cool, thank you so much, I'll try to reach that higher calorie goal then! I'll see how it goes and will post my progress here!! Might come back for some motivation or asking stupid questions though.... one is just very insecure at the beginning!
  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    Cool, thank you so much, I'll try to reach that higher calorie goal then! I'll see how it goes and will post my progress here!! Might come back for some motivation or asking stupid questions though.... one is just very insecure at the beginning!

    Yep, we all are. Come back often, I'm sure someone will be asking a question as you are thinking it :wink:

    We all like that reassurance in the beginning
  • Desmonema
    Desmonema Posts: 175 Member
    Really, it's so great that there is this group! Just reading through the posts makes you feel better sometimes!!
    You mind if I add you?