metabolism reset trying to be!

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
After joining this group and going back and doing some more researching I realized I think I made a BIG mistake! I was so focused on the numbers but not the right numbers. I workout 4 days a week running and NEVER eat my BMR. After talking to some people I really t I think I might be in starvation mode.

After finding out my TDEE and taking 15% of that I realized there is no way I am fueling my body. So, I've increased calories. According to my calculations I should be eating 1,488 calories a day. I've increased them to 1300 and I've seen a gain. As of today I almost up 2 pounds this week:)

Please reassure me I am doing this right..when I looked back at my food diary journals..My daily NET is only at 932 and that is what I created most days. I now believe it's too big of a deficit.

Is this correct.... using even numbers.. if my cut value is 1400 and I run burning 400 calories that takes me to 1000 calories..Now, I need to eat back at least 250 more of that to net 1400?

If this is the case, I've defintily been doing it ALL wrong and no wonder my body won't respond even with 4 days of running and other exercise in between.

I still have 30 plus pounds to lose and I keep stalling which would make sense and I keep increased my running/cardio more intense but not fueling my body to do so.

Thanks in advance,


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hi there! To be honest your numbers seem way, way too low.

    Go here and plug your numbers. It is very accurate. I have decided not to go on the scale during the beginning of this process because I know I'll freak. I'm just checking measurements. A gain is expected at first and can take a couple of months to even out. Re-do your numbers and let us know what they come out to be. I can't fathom your cut being 1400! :-)
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I am going by the numbers a dietician gave me. I had a metabolism test done which showed my BMR being 1250(she even said it was on the low end.) I then took my BMR and multiplied it by 1.4 which is moderate active.

    1250 x 1.4 gives me 1750 from 1750 - 15% gave me a cut of 1,488

    am I not doing this right? I hate math! LOL
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    By multiplying how active you are, you have already added in your "exercise calories". So that means you would eat 1750 per day. I have found that nutritionists tend to go by the less is more theory. I had a nutritionist who told me 2200 max per day. Well yesterday that would have given me an 1100 calorie deficit. I kept doing this and wasn't losing....should have been though, right? BIG DEFICITS! Body wasn't getting enough. When you run your numbers through Scooby what does it say?
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Hi there! I just entered my stats on the scooby sight. Which calculation is preferred? Cunningham is like a 300 cal sdifference and mifflin is the lowest.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    I am going by the numbers a dietician gave me. I had a metabolism test done which showed my BMR being 1250(she even said it was on the low end.) I then took my BMR and multiplied it by 1.4 which is moderate active.

    1250 x 1.4 gives me 1750 from 1750 - 15% gave me a cut of 1,488

    am I not doing this right? I hate math! LOL

    If your BMR was 1250, and your activity is mod active, the multiplier should be 1.55

    1250 x 1.55 = 1937
    Then 15% = 1646

    How was the BMR tested? I'd go with it if it was done with the breath test- I think they are pretty accurate. You were definitely eating way too little, even when you increased. I'd eat every bit of 1650 calories a day. Then when you exercise and have high burns you need to eat back to get above your BMR.
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Also, are your macros set to 40% carbs, 30% fat/protein? I'd watch those too. That's my biggest challenge right now, fitting my day into my macros.

    I'd also try to put some weight training into your exercise mix. Too much cardio with too high of burns can be counter productive and weight training will really help exchange that fat for muscle and re-shape your body.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks for all the information. Yes, I had the breath test so thats what I am going by. So I should eat the same cals everyday and if I have a high burn make sure I at least net my 1250. I also just reset my macros.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Hi there! To be honest your numbers seem way, way too low.

    Go here and plug your numbers. It is very accurate. I have decided not to go on the scale during the beginning of this process because I know I'll freak. I'm just checking measurements. A gain is expected at first and can take a couple of months to even out. Re-do your numbers and let us know what they come out to be. I can't fathom your cut being 1400! :-)

    how long did you not check scale? I plan to wait till next Fri, which is 2.5 weeks after I started this journey. I'm tempted to check the scale.. ugh.. lol
  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for all the information. Yes, I had the breath test so thats what I am going by. So I should eat the same cals everyday and if I have a high burn make sure I at least net my 1250. I also just reset my macros.

    Yes, eat the same every day and watch your burn and then always net at least your bmr. Take measurements and don't worry too much about the scale at first. I've been at this almost 6 weeks and the scale hasn't budged, but I've lost inches!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Oh man...I hope I can be patient enough to not see results in a few weeks:( So, what if I increase calories and wait and gain weight and then NOT lose..omg! this is scary..LOL I am so afraid of going back to where I was..this stuff is mentally challenging..LOL