making sure I am figuring this correctly

kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
My TDEE is 2015 - 15% = 1713
so this is what I need to change my MFP goal to?
BMR is 1472.
so I need to eat up to 1713 a day?
and if I work out that day and burn more than 242 calories I need to eat the difference?

Just trying to wrap my brain around all this before I start


  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    You got it down!!!! :drinker:
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Ok, just checking mine also! Really nervous about upping my calories, but have been stalled for about 5-6 weeks now.


    HT 5'4"
    SW 205 (Jan 2012)
    CW 184.4
    BMR 1548
    TDEE 2128
    -20% 1702
    My current goal weight is 160 (baby steps)

    Changed my goals in MFP by using the custom settings. I'm going to try out the 40/30/30 ratio of protein/carbs/fat and see how close I can stick to that.

    Side note: I entered as lightly active. I am a Medical Asst so I am on my feet quite a bit, but when my doctor is in surgery I pretty much do desk work. I work out 3-5 days per week doing cardio/light weights using videos at home. I don't have a HRM yet.

    Question: Should I be logging my exercise in MFP. Without a HRM I can't be sure of calories burned but the trainer in the video says if you work as hard as he is you can burn about 200 calories. I'm getting pretty good at the exercises, but probably not as good as him!

    I'm so glad I found this group! Some people out there can be so mean and snarky when you ask questions and the people on here seem to be sincerely helpful!! Thank you!!
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    Joining the club. Upping my calories starting yesterday.....I can't believe how much I am eating. It seems really wierd and I am going to give it a whirl and see if I can't break this plateau!
    Good luck to you!
  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    Ok, just checking mine also! Really nervous about upping my calories, but have been stalled for about 5-6 weeks now.


    HT 5'4"
    SW 205 (Jan 2012)
    CW 184.4
    BMR 1548
    TDEE 2128
    -20% 1702
    My current goal weight is 160 (baby steps)

    Changed my goals in MFP by using the custom settings. I'm going to try out the 40/30/30 ratio of protein/carbs/fat and see how close I can stick to that.

    Side note: I entered as lightly active. I am a Medical Asst so I am on my feet quite a bit, but when my doctor is in surgery I pretty much do desk work. I work out 3-5 days per week doing cardio/light weights using videos at home. I don't have a HRM yet.

    Question: Should I be logging my exercise in MFP. Without a HRM I can't be sure of calories burned but the trainer in the video says if you work as hard as he is you can burn about 200 calories. I'm getting pretty good at the exercises, but probably not as good as him!

    I'm so glad I found this group! Some people out there can be so mean and snarky when you ask questions and the people on here seem to be sincerely helpful!! Thank you!!

    Change your TDEE to reflect your true activity level - which is probably moderately active. You then do not need to worry about tracking/eating back your exercise calories(unless you have a day where you think you burn enough to take you below BMR). This is probably best for you since you don't have a HRM.
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    I can't find the custom settings to change anything??
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I can't find the custom settings to change anything??

    Go to My Home at the top and then click on Goals and the choose Custom. And then you can change your info there.
  • witrixie2011
    witrixie2011 Posts: 224
    I can't find the custom settings to change anything??

    Here's what I did to keep it simple.

    Ignore all of MPF fitness settings and use the custom settings to set how many calories you want to eat. (click on Goals - Change Goals - Custom - Continue - change calories & macros here - click on Change Goals at the bottom to save)

    This is what my home screen looks like w/out exercise:
    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 0
    = Net 2066

    After I exercise this afternoon this is what it will look like:

    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 300
    = Net 1766

    As long as my NET calories stays above my BMR I don't have to worry about anything.

    Make sense?
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    I can't find the custom settings to change anything??

    Here's what I did to keep it simple.

    Ignore all of MPF fitness settings and use the custom settings to set how many calories you want to eat. (click on Goals - Change Goals - Custom - Continue - change calories & macros here - click on Change Goals at the bottom to save)

    This is what my home screen looks like w/out exercise:
    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 0
    = Net 2066

    After I exercise this afternoon this is what it will look like:

    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 300
    = Net 1766

    As long as my NET calories stays above my BMR I don't have to worry about anything.

    Make sense?

    Great idea! Makes it simple, I love it. :flowerforyou:

    I'm giving this eat more thing a try, and I really have great expectations! :smile:
    I've been stuck for five months now. Dropping and gaining back the same 5 pounds. It's a miracle I haven't given up yet.

    I've tried zigzaging before, but it was simply too much calorie management for me.

    So I'm really hoping this will help me break that darn plateau!
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Just joined this group as well. I upped my calories about 10 days ago and lost 1lb this week so really chuffed. Here's my numbers:

    BMR = 1468
    TDEE = 2275
    Goal = 1820

    I too only eat exercise cals if I am under my BMR!

    It is nerve racking upping cals to so many (esp when MFP says it is over maintenance lol!)
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    just so I am understanding.
    currently this is what mine reads
    Goal - 1600
    Food- 753
    Exc - 188
    Net - 565
    This is currently and I ahve not had supper yet.
    My BMR is 1400 so I need to get the net UP to 1400? I don't want that to dip BELOW my BMR

    sorry...I know I am being frustrating...just trying to get it figured out
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    sorry to be a pest but does anyone mind sharing their food journal so I could see what a healthy 1700 calories should be? I tried today the best I could and haven't even hit 1100 :(
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    You can take a look at mine. I'm a little bit over, but if you go back a week, you can see some 1700ish days :)
  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    sorry to be a pest but does anyone mind sharing their food journal so I could see what a healthy 1700 calories should be? I tried today the best I could and haven't even hit 1100 :(

    You can look at mine too, I'm at 2100. it's definitely nothing special but I try to keep it all healthy :)
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    This has taken me a while to figure out and I do believe I have it figured out. I too misunderstood and my NET was always way under my way under. Which I think is the reason for plateauing all the time.. Instead of increasing food I increase exercise which has created bigger deficits.. NOT enough fuel for my wonder my body feels awful after running 20 miles in a week and see no loss.

    This is what I have figured
    I am on my feet a lot during the day until summer(work in a school) I also run 3 days a week, walk 2 days, and rest 2 give and take. I average 20 miles a week though..burn betwee 1600-2000 cals a week with exercise

    I put myself at moderate activity

    BMR 1250
    156 pounds

    Based on those calculations I come up with a TDEE of 1250 x 1.55(moderate activity)=1937 - 20% gives me 1549..thats what I should eat everyday..On days I workout and burn more I have to make sure my NET is my BMR of 1250 correct?

    Now with that said I don't work in summer so I don't move as much at work..I will however still exercise 4-5 days a week an hour each time or more and still burn between 1600-2000 cals. a week or more.. so should I still eat the 1549 or cut back on days I don't workout or less active..thats the part I'm most confused about
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    This has taken me a while to figure out and I do believe I have it figured out. I too misunderstood and my NET was always way under my way under. Which I think is the reason for plateauing all the time.. Instead of increasing food I increase exercise which has created bigger deficits.. NOT enough fuel for my wonder my body feels awful after running 20 miles in a week and see no loss.

    This is what I have figured
    I am on my feet a lot during the day until summer(work in a school) I also run 3 days a week, walk 2 days, and rest 2 give and take. I average 20 miles a week though..burn betwee 1600-2000 cals a week with exercise

    I put myself at moderate activity

    BMR 1250
    156 pounds

    Based on those calculations I come up with a TDEE of 1250 x 1.55(moderate activity)=1937 - 20% gives me 1549..thats what I should eat everyday..On days I workout and burn more I have to make sure my NET is my BMR of 1250 correct?

    Now with that said I don't work in summer so I don't move as much at work..I will however still exercise 4-5 days a week an hour each time or more and still burn between 1600-2000 cals. a week or more.. so should I still eat the 1549 or cut back on days I don't workout or less active..thats the part I'm most confused about

    Please consider taking a 15% cut instead, eat that every single day.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I don't want to over estimate on activity level if I do light activity I my TDEE would be 1250*1.375 1719-15%= 1,461 and that is what I should everyday..however, if I happen to have a big burn.. I need to make sure my NET is my BMR(1250) God, I hope I have this right !

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your knowledge and patience. I now have to undo the damage I've caused by eating way to little for too long. I think I'm going to put my scale away for a while.. It was up to 158 which is almost 3 pounds more than last week..NO WAY I put on that much eating 1300 cals and exercising.. Hope this works
  • kay_bear52
    kay_bear52 Posts: 71 Member
    thank you everyone so much for the help. It really does help to look and see what others are doing. I didn't even think about counting my vitamin I will work hard on try to adapt to this and get it going correctly this week
  • nutritionwhiz
    nutritionwhiz Posts: 221

    Changed my goals in MFP by using the custom settings. I'm going to try out the 40/30/30 ratio of protein/carbs/fat and see how close I can stick to that.

    Macros should be 40 CARB /30/30 w/ Protein and Fat :bigsmile:
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I've became so good at cutting, I have to figure out how to eat more..any suggestions? I also changed my macros to 40,30,30 I love fruit and veggies but the don't contain high cals. any ideas what I can add in to get that extra boost??