Pizza Please!!!



  • laylamurphy
    laylamurphy Posts: 13 Member
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Butterfly a chicken breast, pound it out real thin, pre-bake for a bit in the oven, top with roma tomatoes, Applegate pepperoni, sausage, a little marinara, red onion and fresh basil.

  • Meadows18
    Meadows18 Posts: 206 Member

    'Pizzabellas' (I made pizzas using portabella caps as the crust),
    a garden salad with some leftover chicken breast thrown in,
    and some berries for dessert.

    Scrape the gills out of the portabella, then fill with your favorite pizza toppings (in this case tomato sauce, fresh mozz, pepperoni and some fresh basil). Put on a cookie tray and pop in the oven for about 15 minutes at 350 (or until the portabella starts to sag). You pretty much have to eat it with a fork - but it tastes like you swiped the good parts off of everybody else's slice!

    Definitely gonna try this Friday night.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    mexipizza, but you could do this with anything.

    josephs bakery makes low carb flax pitas. they're like 4 net carbs.

    cut along the seam to make 2 circles, pop one half in toaster oven to crisp up. keep an eye on it, they burn fast.

    cover other half with meat and cheese. put the crispy pita on top, cover with whatever else you want. i did salsa, sour cream, and lettuce since i already had meat and cheese on the bottom.
    put back in toaster oven til yummy.
    actually i put the salsa and lettuce on after, but i just let hte sour cream get melty.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    josephs bakery also makes a lavash bread, which i've never tried but my friend swears it makes a better pizza.