Uh oh... (TDEE inputs?)

ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
So, from looking around on this group a little bit more, I'm not sure if my calorie goals are correct! I calculated my TDEE-15% assuming Sedentary, because I have a completely Sedentary desk job. (using formulas shown in one of the sticky's in this group)

I figured I'd add in all of my exercise that wasn't walking around at work (which ends up only being walking my dog and "running" to and from public transportation on the way to and from work).

Now I'm wondering if I should have just classified myself as Lightly Active (which would increase my TDEE-15% to about 1700 I think), and record EXTRA exercise that I do (which, like I said, isn't much right now).

The OTHER thing I'm wondering is... I'm not trying to lose weight. Not like most people on this group at least... I would like to be smaller, but that is probably more likely to come from strength training, when I get to that. So... should I be eating at maintenance calories?

OY!! Here are my stats, and the results from scoobysworkshop.com

Female, obviously.
120 lbs
63 inches
40/30/30 (c/f/p)

Calculation 1
-Desk job w/ little exercise
-Lose fat (15% reduction)
-BMR: 1362
-TDEE: 1635
-Calorie goal (TDEE-15%): 1390

Calculation 2
-1-3 hrs/wk of light exercise
-Lose fat (15% reduction)
-BMR: 1362
-TDEE: 1873
-Calorie goal (TDEE-15%): 1592

Calculation 3
-Desk job w/ little exercise
-Gain muscle, Lose fat
-BMR: 1362
-TDEE: 1635
-Calorie goal: 1635

Calculation 4
-1-3 hrs/wk of light exercise
-Gain muscle, Lose fat
-BMR: 1362
-TDEE: 1873
-Calorie goal: 1873

So my question is... which one do I go by?!?

:noway: That's a HUGE range of calories; from 1390 to 1873...

Can anyone offer some guidance? I definitely don't want to starve my body, but I don't want to eat TOO MUCH either...


  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    So, from looking around on this group a little bit more, I'm not sure if my calorie goals are correct! I calculated my TDEE-15% assuming Sedentary, because I have a completely Sedentary desk job. (using formulas shown in one of the sticky's in this group)

    I figured I'd add in all of my exercise that wasn't walking around at work (which ends up only being walking my dog and "running" to and from public transportation on the way to and from work).

    The OTHER thing I'm wondering is... I'm not trying to lose weight. Not like most people on this group at least... I would like to be smaller, but that is probably more likely to come from strength training, when I get to that. So... should I be eating at maintenance calories?

    So my question is... which one do I go by?!?

    i wouldn't record any walking you do around the house or work if what it is like walking to the printer or coffee machine. Exercise like walking the dog or running etc should be recorded. Once you have a weekly total like 1 or 5 hours whatever it may be then use that number ... but if you are not after losing weight then choose one of the other options like gain muscle in step 6 if using scooby website. Then scroll down and see what it says ... it will tell you your bmr which is what you should always at least net. then your TDEE which is maintenance and then your daily calorie goal which is what you need to eat daily.

    I am trying to lose weight so not sure about the whole muscle gaining side but someone else could prob offer you more on that one ... But the girls advocate lifting heavy to get a nice shape and tone. They use the book New rules for lifting for women. You will prob find some answers there.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Eat TDEE is you want to maintain. When you start lifitng you may want to recalc your TDEE. If you want to gain lean muscle mass at .25lbs per week then you will ned to bump up 15% but that brings .25lb of fat...gor 12 wks then you go back into cut phase by droping to tdee and then 10%aw15% if necessary to lose the fat slowly that was gained.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    i wouldn't record any walking you do around the house or work if what it is like walking to the printer or coffee machine. Exercise like walking the dog or running etc should be recorded. Once you have a weekly total like 1 or 5 hours whatever it may be then use that number ... but if you are not after losing weight then choose one of the other options like gain muscle in step 6 if using scooby website. Then scroll down and see what it says ... it will tell you your bmr which is what you should always at least net. then your TDEE which is maintenance and then your daily calorie goal which is what you need to eat daily.

    I am trying to lose weight so not sure about the whole muscle gaining side but someone else could prob offer you more on that one ... But the girls advocate lifting heavy to get a nice shape and tone. They use the book New rules for lifting for women. You will prob find some answers there.

    So, just making sure I get this correct. Say my exercise amounts to 3 hours/week. Then I use the Light Exercise (1-3 hrs/wk) setting and get my TDEE. According to Lucia, I eat my TDEE because I want to maintain. Do I still have to record exercise in MFP? Or just record exercise that is OVER the 3 hrs/wk that I indicated when getting my numbers?

    Thanks :)