how to set mfp goals?

bc50 Posts: 3 Member
if my bmr is 1600 and my tdee is 2485, how should i set up mfp daily goals? do i change my settings to net 1,600? thanks!


  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    You should be eating above your BMR,

    Go to goals custom and enter 2112 for a 15% TDEE cut.

    make a not of exercise cals burnt in notes and add as 1 calorie, to keep your macros true, if you go under your bmr then eat back to above it :))

  • witrixie2011
    witrixie2011 Posts: 224
    Here's what I did to keep it simple.

    Ignore all of MPF fitness settings and use the custom settings to set how many calories you want to eat. (click on Goals - Change Goals - Custom - Continue - change calories & macros here - click on Change Goals at the bottom to save)

    This is what my home screen looks like w/out exercise:
    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 0
    = Net 2066

    After I exercise this afternoon this is what it will look like:

    Goal 2074
    Food 2066
    Exercise 300
    = Net 1766

    As long as my NET calories stays above my BMR I don't have to worry about anything.

    Make sense?