help! my story/dilemma

mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
Hi everyone!

I seem to be skilled at writing threads to which nobody responds, so I'm hoping that won't be the case this time. I'm new to the group and would like some help in figuring out what stage I should be in and how to make sure I've got the right caloric goals. I'm not the typical 1200-calorie/day person (I can't even imagine eating so few!) so I'm not sure where I stand in the 're-feeding my body/working to burn fat' process. I hope that makes sense! This will be long (sorry) because I want to make sure to give all the information you might need to help me. History is helpful. :smile:

Ok, my stats!
154 lbs
5'6" -ish
Currently on 1610 calories/day, but eating back exercise calories (so more like 1900 calories on workout days)

I gave birth to twins in September after eating 3000-3500 calories/day during my pregnancy, based on doctor's direction. Since I gave birth to 6 1/2 lb babies at 36 weeks, I'd say I did pretty well! I gained over 60 pounds during the pregnancy (which was appropriate). From November (when I got the go-ahead to exercise, etc) to April, I was breastfeeding, which requires an extra 800 calories, so I didn't regularly log my food. Instead I just ate based on hunger cues, milk supply, etc. I lost 10 pounds between November and February-ish (after losing 40 pregnancy pounds on top of that during the first 6 weeks after giving birth). From January through March, I also trained for and completed a half-marathon. Feb-March there was no scale movement, which was when I was doing my longer, more intense training runs.

I stopped breastfeeding in April and was logging my food regularly. I did JM's 30 Day Shred 4 days/week and ran 2 days/week (1 rest day/week). I averaged 1600-1700 calories/day and lost nothing until the very last week of April, when I averaged 1930 calories/day and lost a net of 1 pound (but had gained 2 lbs so a total loss of 3 lbs) and 4 inches (measuring arms, legs, waist, hips). The next week I averaged 1650 and lost between .5 and 1 pound (no inches lost, that I could tell).

I've been lifting weights for 2 weeks (I'm using the 'lose the last 10 pounds' workout in the Women's Health Big Book of Exercises). The workout has 3 days of 30ish minutes' worth of weight training immediately followed by 40 minutes of cardio (but I only do 20 minutes, thanks to time constraints).


RMR: 1298
Non-workout days: 2077
Workout days: 2336
Weekly total: 15,316

Scooby calculator
BMR: 1497
TDEE: 2058
Lose fat, gain muscle: 2058
Lose fat (15% reduction): 1750
Weekly total: 14,406

Finally, my question!
Which numbers do I follow?? There's a 200 calorie difference between NROLFW and Scooby for BMR/RMR, and a 900 calorie difference for the week (if I follow Scooby's lose fat, gain muscle number).

Also, am I still needing to 're-feed' my body for 4-6 weeks? Would re-feeding just be TDEE (I guess based on Scooby, since NROLFW doesn't really give that) plus exercising as normal? I'm fine with taking things slowly (since I feel like I already have been) but just want to make sure I'm doing it RIGHT.:smile:

Again, I'm sorry it's so long....I might have given more information than was necessary, but wanted to cover all the bases.




  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    That is a good question. I would to know which number to go with too! I ended up going with an average (I can't remember where I got it from! lol) of all of them and came up with 1600 for me. not sure if that is right. But I totally understand the overload of info!!

    Good luck!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Scooby has a lower number of calories because you eat that every day. NROL has a higher number but you just eat that on workout days.

    I would stick with the scooby version just for consistency sake. And eat that every day.

    But I'm not quite sure what your goal is since you listed both lose fat/gain muscle and also 15% deficit. If you use scooby, you pick one and eat that every day.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    RMR: 1298
    Non-workout days: 2077
    Workout days: 2336
    Weekly total: 15,316

    Scooby calculator
    BMR: 1497
    TDEE: 2058
    Lose fat, gain muscle: 2058
    Lose fat (15% reduction): 1750
    Weekly total: 14,406

    Finally, my question!
    Which numbers do I follow?? There's a 200 calorie difference between NROLFW and Scooby for BMR/RMR, and a 900 calorie difference for the week (if I follow Scooby's lose fat, gain muscle number).

    Most importantly, congratulations on the new baby!!! :love: :love:

    Second, let me start by saying I know just enough about this stuff to be dangerous. I ran your numbers on Scooby and it looks like you used Sedentary as your activity level to get cut value of 1750. Is that right? I think your activity level would be Moderate with lifting and cardio 3x/week and caring for a baby. If you use that multiplier you get a TDEE of 2320 and a cut value of 1985. If you use a Moderate activity multiplier and don't eat back exercised calories, you wouldn't have to worry about more calories on workout days and less on rest days. I prefer to do that and spread out my workout calories over the week so I don't starve on rest days.

    Of course, with all that said I'm trying to lose my last 15# and I've been plateaued for EVER!!!! But, I'm not hungry, cranky, or tired.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Smooch that baby for me! :smooched: :smooched:
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    i would go with the scooby numbers. letting your body know that it is going to consistently get the same base amount of fuel is important. and it's just simpler, imo. no this number this day and this number that day yada number every day. and just make sure that you are not burning enough calories to go below your BMR on your workout days. easy peasy.

    welcome to the group!
  • clovr24
    clovr24 Posts: 56 Member
    I agree with using the scooby calculator to keep things consistant - it doesn't look like you chose the right activity level though... I would say you're in between moderate and strenuous, so maybe check what those values would be for you and go in between? That's what I'm trying at the moment, and I have a similar workout schedule with you (but have a desk job- and no kids!).
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    and good point above about the activity level!!

    pick the correct one or you will end up not eating enough. you do not sound sedentary. it really is better to eat over than it is to eat not enough.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for replying!

    I don't really care if I lose weight or lose weight/gain muscle....well, I'd prefer the latter, truthfully, but I don't know if I'm at the point in my weight loss to do that, since I'm still pretty far from goal.

    I ran Scooby at Lightly Active since it's based on hours of exercise per week, and if I'm only doing 50ish min 3x/week, that falls in the 1-3 hour range. I do stay busy in our 2-story house with 3 kids 2 and under, but I also do a lot of sitting (to feed the babies, read to my toddler, play on the floor, etc) so I don't know if I'm active enough to call it moderate. I've asked my hubby for a FitBit to better gauge my activity, though. He said 'noted' when I asked, so here's hoping! :smile:
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    if you're going to put money into a fitness gadget, i would go with a bodymedia fit (the link version). i want one of those so bad!!

    and i think you are probably moderate. i set myself as moderate when i started, but then i hit a period where i wasn't able to workout like i had been (what i had based that moderate level on). it ended up being the best thing somehow. my body immediately responded to what i was giving it despite not exercising as much. i think people tend to underestimate their activity level. you can always adjust up or down later. it just seems better to start off a little high rather than low. just my experience.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I agree you should go with Scooby's #'s and I would also bump up to the moderate level for a few weeks to see how your body responds.

    Welcome aboard!!! You'll never get a finer group of peeps than right here. These people are so awesome and so willing to help and answer all your questions!!!

  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    I've asked my hubby for a FitBit to better gauge my activity, though. He said 'noted' when I asked, so here's hoping! :smile:

    I LOVE my Fitbit! I've never tried a BMF because it's a bit more obvious than the Fitbit (which I hide in my bra). It's also less expensive and there's no monthly fee. Fitbit doesn't accurately track things like weightlifting, but otherwise it's pretty spot on with my Polar HRM. My TDEE calculations are pretty close to Fitbit too:

    Scooby = 2548
    Fat2Fit = 2494
    Fitbit = 2319 (** remember it doesn't calculate weightlifting well, which I do 3x/week)

    My newest experiment to try to break the plateau is to eat at a 15% cut from the previous days Fitbit TDEE (since the current day is every changing).
  • trosewine
    trosewine Posts: 88
    It seems like you answered your own question as well. When you had an average of around 1900 cals that week in April, you suddenly dropped a little. Seems like that is in line with the Scooby numbers for moderately active for you. A lot of peeps underestimate their activity because of FEAR of eating too much. Maybe you just need some validation? Here we are to validate you eating more...go for it!!!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Oh yeah, the bmf sounds good too, but I'm not a fan of monthly subscriptions. That solves the issue right there for me!

    Ok, I guess I'll try re-running my numbers on Scooby and try the moderately active level, since that seems to be the consensus. I can't complain about eating MORE! :laugh:

    And Anita, I stalked your profile briefly and saw that you live in Snohomish; I live in GA now, but we moved here last June from Everett! :drinker:

    By the way, I don't have many pals on here, and nobody who follows the 'eat more' philosophy, so I'd love to add any of you!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    It seems like you answered your own question as well. When you had an average of around 1900 cals that week in April, you suddenly dropped a little. Seems like that is in line with the Scooby numbers for moderately active for you. A lot of peeps underestimate their activity because of FEAR of eating too much. Maybe you just need some validation? Here we are to validate you eating more...go for it!!!

    I had noticed that and wondered if it was just a fluke! Thanks for that. :flowerforyou:
  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    All the online calculators told me my 15% CUT level was 2400-2500 calories. When i got my BMF, I realized that is what I am actually burning every day... So I feel like the fitbit or BMF (whichever you prefer) are very worth it! I work out very hard but I sit at a desk M-F for 8 to 10 hours. You will be surprised how much you burn just getting up and down with your kids all day. My weekend days are much higher just because I do laundry, empty the dishwasher, grocery shop etc... I recommend a gadget just for peace of mind :)
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Oh yeah, the bmf sounds good too, but I'm not a fan of monthly subscriptions. That solves the issue right there for me!

    Ok, I guess I'll try re-running my numbers on Scooby and try the moderately active level, since that seems to be the consensus. I can't complain about eating MORE! :laugh:

    And Anita, I stalked your profile briefly and saw that you live in Snohomish; I live in GA now, but we moved here last June from Everett! :drinker:

    By the way, I don't have many pals on here, and nobody who follows the 'eat more' philosophy, so I'd love to add any of you!

    I can definitely use more friendly peeps, so feel free to add me. I moved here in 2003 from AZ, but I was born in TX and then we moved to VA (where I grew up).

  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Okay, it's naptime for the kiddos (yay!) so I've had a chance to re-run my numbers on Scooby. Based on a moderate exercise/activity level and a 15% calorie reduction to lose fat, I'm setting my goals for 1975. I'm hoping it's right! Since there was that one week in April where I averaged in the mid-1900s and lost 1 pound, I'm trusting it works again. Thanks to everyone for your help!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    I've asked my hubby for a FitBit to better gauge my activity, though. He said 'noted' when I asked, so here's hoping! :smile:

    I LOVE my Fitbit! I've never tried a BMF because it's a bit more obvious than the Fitbit (which I hide in my bra). It's also less expensive and there's no monthly fee. Fitbit doesn't accurately track things like weightlifting, but otherwise it's pretty spot on with my Polar HRM. My TDEE calculations are pretty close to Fitbit too:

    Scooby = 2548
    Fat2Fit = 2494
    Fitbit = 2319 (** remember it doesn't calculate weightlifting well, which I do 3x/week)

    My newest experiment to try to break the plateau is to eat at a 15% cut from the previous days Fitbit TDEE (since the current day is every changing).

    i got fitbit last week! I burn about 2,400-2,600, my tdee is 2291 (sounds reasonable since it wasn't accurate when it comes to my workouts) so yeahhh! I feel fitbit has helped me to walk more, use stairs more often to make a better result. LOL
  • Whisperinghorse
    Whisperinghorse Posts: 202 Member
    I've asked my hubby for a FitBit to better gauge my activity, though. He said 'noted' when I asked, so here's hoping! :smile:

    I LOVE my Fitbit! I've never tried a BMF because it's a bit more obvious than the Fitbit (which I hide in my bra). It's also less expensive and there's no monthly fee. Fitbit doesn't accurately track things like weightlifting, but otherwise it's pretty spot on with my Polar HRM. My TDEE calculations are pretty close to Fitbit too:

    Scooby = 2548
    Fat2Fit = 2494
    Fitbit = 2319 (** remember it doesn't calculate weightlifting well, which I do 3x/week)

    My newest experiment to try to break the plateau is to eat at a 15% cut from the previous days Fitbit TDEE (since the current day is every changing).

    Aha!! I love my Fitbit too.....I was going to ask whether this woulod be a viable way of doing things retrospectively... Some days I burn 2400 other only 1900 (depending if its a lazy day or not...
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! I can't really help with the numbers as I'm just learning it myself, but I wanted to give you a friendly wave. I gained 58 lbs with my twin pregnancy, following the guidelines in dr Luke's book. They weighed just over six lbs each at 36 weeks. So it would seem we have a lot in common. Congratulations on your double blessing!
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Hey there! Just thought id post because I have the same problem with posting and getting no replies!
    Our numbers are the same, and since im now doing n.r.o.l.w., I went ahead with their numbers. Sorta. I went with 2000 and 2300 on lifting days. On days I don't lift, I do c25k. And congrats on the twins. I only had one, but he's like keeping up with twins. Triplets some days! Good luck! Friend me if you like!