OK, I admit it...I'd like some pals

I have been em2wl for 8 weeks now. Staying the course even though the weight is the same and the measurements haven't changed in a bit (actually the legs are up, but I have been lifting heavier).

Anyhow, I think of random things that I'd like to post, but they don't really warrant a thread. Then, I thought, duh! That's what the "friends" section is for...status updates. For example, the other day I am sure I burned extra calories because I stained my deck for 8 hours but I didn't know how to track it...so...I didn't log the bakery style brownie I had that day. ;)

I am a Christian, 43 yo mother of 3 (two grown). I homeschool (14 year veteran). My hubby is my biggest encourager. :) I have lost and gained 20 pounds throughout my marriage and would now like to just be fit and healthy. Please add me if you think we could be of encouragement to each other.

