New to group and scared and frustrated

Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
Hi Everyone, I'm new to this concept and am trying really hard. I have lost and gained with Atkins, WW and 1200 calorie diets over the past 20 years or so. I decided that this time I'm going to do something I can live with and none of the above were a long term solution. I started Insanity on April 9th and recently (2 weeks ago) upped my calories from MFP's recommendation of 1230 to 1522 and eat back (or really try to) my exercise calories. I'm 4'11" and 188 pounds (very depressing on my short body). My daily intake ranges from 1800 to 2000 calories daily depending on the day and calories burned.

Anyway, When I first started working out and dieting I gained two pounds right away....then it came off after a couple weeks and I lost almost 3lbs before it started going up when I switched to more food. So now I'm back to where I started again, and even though I have lost a ton of inches, really almost 4" off my hips alone.....I'm frustrated that the scale is going the wrong direction and scared too. I know, so why am I upset about the scale? Because it is ingrained in my psyche...I dont even know how to turn it off. This is a lot of food, I have a hard time eating this, and I'm not even hungry most days. I'm pushing through and trying really hard, but I guess I just need a little hand holding......


  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    So now I'm back to where I started again, and even though I have lost a ton of inches, really almost 4" off my hips alone....

    That's such a great accomplishment.. if that doesn't reinforce you are doing things right, i don't know what does... The longer you stick with this, the more you will recognize that the scale is not the ULTIMATE indicator.. rely on your measurements, the fit of your pants, how you look in a dress that used to be tight.. these are important indicators.. The only one who knows that # on the scale is you.. If it looks like you weigh less, why should you care if the scale doesn't say so. My advise is hide your scale, take it out once a month, And try to cut the cord.. so to speak.. of being attached to that scale and what its numbers say..

    Good luck!
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    I guess I should just put the stupid scale away, at least move it to a room in the house I dont frequent..... Thanks so much, I know I just started, I just want my body back.....I keep trying to focus on the NSV and I really do feel better, the good news is.......wait for it........I get to eat!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I agree- put the scale away. It's really a horrible marker of progress unless you're into starvation diets and exercise that doesn't build or try to retain muscle. I can lose ten pounds in a week if I didn't eat- and that scale would love me. I would hate every second of it lol

    Tape measure and pictures! Pictures has really helped me and so has the tape measure. Some weeks the tape measure doesn't move and then I go to pictures and see how I may not be shrinking but having a Smoothing Out Week :)
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    That could be part of my frustration..........I have lost inches, and took pictures.....I cant tell a bit of difference in the pictures at all. So I'm not looking at those either. I still look the same to me.......
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    That could be part of my frustration..........I have lost inches, and took pictures.....I cant tell a bit of difference in the pictures at all. So I'm not looking at those either. I still look the same to me.......

    First off, congrats on your inches lost! That is so wonderful!

    I completely agree, the scale can be put away. I had my fiance HIDE it from me because I weighed myself pretty much EVERY DAY. It was in control of my life. While a pound down would motivate me for a day or so, a pound or more up would completely ruin everything for me. I hated having a number define me!

    You are clearly giving your body the proper fuel, and if inches come off, who cares? Don't let the number define you. Be comfortable with how you feel physically. :) You definitely got this!! <3
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Put that lying demon of a scale away! Congrats on inches And weight loss, you're doing fantastic!! If you're brave enough, post your pics...I'm sure others see the changes you don't!
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I'm a scale slave also! I haven't been brave enough to cut the cord just yet but I'm getting there. I've been doing the 30 day shred and before that No More Trouble Zones. My strength is increasing but slowly -- I even have definition in my arms!
  • Susabelle64
    Susabelle64 Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you guys SO MUCH, I actually just finished my work out, I was down enough earlier I just didnt feel I could do it but your words of hope have helped so much. I didnt even realize how down I was until reading this brought tears to my eyes....I need to go eat now......LOL
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hun you are doing awesome. I too was addicted to the scale for way too long. So sad that I couldn't appreciate the progress I was seeing. It wasn't until a challenge that stopped me from getting on that little demon scale...2.5wks...I almost felt relieved. Something broke and I didn't even get on for a few days after the end of the challenge....I was about the same weight but I was able to appreciate more what I saw in my progress pics. A couple weeks ago I decided to up cals to tdee though I'm not at goal because I see the bigger picture... I want a lean muscled toned Lucia and I'm not worried about the scale because the more lean mass the more fat burning power.

    Again congrats on your awesome accomplishments. Please post pictures I guarantee we will see what you probably won't allow yourself to see. And we sure will tell ya all about it:flowerforyou: