NET and the BodyMediaLINK??

Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
I've had my bf for a little over a week. I figured out my daily calorie goal should be 2040. So, I already set that as my new goal here. My question is do I need to be concerned about getting to NET of 1500, or just stick with the 2040? The 2040 is the average from the last 7 days. Some days were very active, others were not, so it does balance out.

Last Wednesday, I ate 2466 calories, and had a burn of 1162 (HRM and MFP). The armband had me burning 3091 (24hour average) and gave me a deficit of 625 calories, since I did eat 2466. OK so far? Well, according to MFP, my NET was only 1304. Should I have had an additional 186 calories to make it to NET 1500? That would lower my BF target deficit from the 500 calories, so I can lose 1#/week, to 439.

Should I forget the NET listed here at MFP, and stick to the goal calories from BF? I know the totals will change as my weight and activity changes. A friend said to forget NET, but I heard many times don't NET under my BMR. Well, if I look at MFP, I'll have to eat more calories than what the BF is telling me, just to make NET 1500.

I'm just getting frustrated as my weight is yo-yoing between 3-4 pounds for at least 4 weeks. Planning on eating to 2040 for a week then seeing what's up. But, I'm wondering about that darned NET.

Thanks for any help!!


  • crystalwelshroberts
    crystalwelshroberts Posts: 147 Member
    I'm a little confused by all the numbers you threw out... So here is my answer based on the info you gave and what I understood:

    According to BodyMediaFit (BMF) your average daily burn is 2040.

    If you want to A) maintain your weight, or B) do a metabolism reset you should eat 2040 every day (or at least try to average out there)
    If you want to loose, you should remove 15% from your daily burn (2040-306=1734) So your goal would be to eat 1734 calories a day. Your daily exercise is already calculated in your average burn so unless you added in more than an extra 200 calorie burn don't worry about the net.

    You only need to worry about netting less that your BMR (which I have to assume is 1500 based on your post) if you do far greater exercise that what is already calculated in your averaged out 2040

    It took me several weeks to get the CONSISTENCY point. Average out your burn over the week and eat at a consistent 15% reduction level.

    I hope that helps and my assumptions are right :smile:
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Sorry about all those numbers. I guess it was a little much. I ran the BMF weekly report. My daily average burn for this past week is 2728. So, I assume that would be my TDEE? If I do a 15% cut, that means I should eat 2319 everyday to lose weight. Yes?

    Since BMF gets my total burn from EVERYTHING I do, I can forget about NET.

    "Your daily exercise is already calculated in your average burn so unless you added in more than an extra 200 calorie burn don't worry about the net." I don't understand this part. An extra 200 calorie burn? Do you mean, if I do some exercise that was not included in my average TDEE from the previous week, then I may need to add a little more calories for that day?

    Sorry if I seem to be asking the same questions. I just want to really understand all of this, so I can 1) lose weight and 2) help if someone else has questions.

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Exactly 2300 daily consistently should be your goal.
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    Thank you!!!!!
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    how do you run the weekly report on BMF ? can't find that link
  • Allic1971
    Allic1971 Posts: 145 Member
    how do you run the weekly report on BMF ? can't find that link

    When your BM is synced with the PC and has downloaded the info on the top right it says, share, report or export.

  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member

    Took me a whole week to find that button!! :blushing:
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    oh cool.... my average burn this past week has been 2663 been trying to eat more
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    oh cool.... my average burn this past week has been 2663 been trying to eat more

    Yay Tabi you are back!!! Sweet!

    Nice you have the BMF takes all the guess work out of it.