HIIT examples

ouandi Posts: 135 Member
I asked this awhile back in the big forum but I only got one answer back so I thought I'd ask it here. I need a good HIIT example to train from. I don't like to run because of my big 'ol boobs (LOL!) so can I do it changing the incline on the treadmill? Does it have to do with heartrate changes or speed or what?

Thanks! Y'all have been the most helpful board I have ever been on!


  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Do you know what your target heart rate is for high intensity training? As long as you get your heart in the proper range during the intense interval, you could do whatever you like - walking on an incline is an easy way to get the heart rate up. Just keep boosting the incline and/or the speed until your heart gets in the right range. You could also bike, stairclimb, etc...If you don't have a heart rate monitor, it would be extremely useful to you. Also, make sure that you have the right ranges. The general chart won't give you your personal heart rate targets. Here's a good link if you know your resting heart rate. http://k2.kirtland.cc.mi.us/~balbachl/heartrate.htm
  • abirkel
    abirkel Posts: 60
    Check out bodyrock.tv, Zwow (zuzkalight on youtube), and myomytv.com...they are all free home workouts and the idea is that you push yourself really hard for a short amount of time so they are all what I would consider HIIT.

    some of them are high-impact so i'm not sure how your boobies would do. lol. but it might be worth checking out.

    to answer your question, yes, it has to do more with your heartrate and rate of perceived exertion....you give your maximum effort for 20 seconds, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and then recover for 10 seconds or so. do that over and over for 15-20 minutes.

    for a treadmill you could make the incline more difficult or ramp up the speed for 30 seconds, and then slow it down and bring the incline down for 30. or whatever times you choose.

    if you have an iPod or iPhone you can download the Gymboss interval timer app...it's free. that helps me keep track of my effort/rest and how many rounds so i can just focus on pushing myself hard and not counting or watching the clock.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I just basically go as hard as I can for a minute and then recover for 2 minutes. Rinse, lather, repeat. You can do it with any form of cardio.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I just basically go as hard as I can for a minute and then recover for 2 minutes. Rinse, lather, repeat. You can do it with any form of cardio.

    yep, me too. running or elliptical usually.
  • GoGoGadgetMum
    GoGoGadgetMum Posts: 292 Member
    Increasing the incline will increase your calorie burn as your hr will go up. I'm a number nerd and used to watch the difference. A friend of mine never knew it changed and just used to walk for miles on zero. A small incline can make a good difference. I'm a big boobed tredmill runner, I double-bra the girls in and go for it. Good luck.:smile:
  • CleanandLean33
    If you have a phone or pad that can upload apps check out the Nike Training app. Its got a zillion different really simple to follow interval workouts of varying lengths . You push play and the video shows a person doing the exercise, the voice gives instructions and count down and you can set your own music to play in the background. Lots of the exercises are interval resistance ones that get you sweating but don't necessarily need you to star jump or do something that makes being larger chested uncomfy.

    As its free too I can't recommend it enough - I've done the workouts with earphones at the gym when i miss a class and on the speakers at home when im too lazy to go to the gym!!
  • ouandi
    ouandi Posts: 135 Member
    See...this is why I love this group! So helpful! I do actually know my actual target heartrate zones. I put that crazy mask on and they measured my oxygen consumption, got my actual RMR also.

    Thanks everyone! I'll do my incline treadmill walking. I go up to incline 12 which is like climbing a mountain. It shows major calorie burn. Now I just need to do it HIIT style!

    And I've tried to "double bag" but with two sports bras and the heartrate monitor I feel like I'm so constrained. I do some jumping in the classes but running seems to be the absolute worst unless I hold them down. I'm hoping a lower bodyfat = smaller chest!

    Thanks again!
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Ok not to sound too stupid or anything, but what is HIIT? :embarassed:
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    Ok not to sound too stupid or anything, but what is HIIT? :embarassed:

    High intensity interval training. Which means you work really hard to get your heart rate into the "zone" for 60-90 seconds then bring it back down for 2 minutes while still moving and then do it again for x amount of minutes.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    Ok not to sound too stupid or anything, but what is HIIT? :embarassed:

    High intensity interval training. Which means you work really hard to get your heart rate into the "zone" for 60-90 seconds then bring it back down for 2 minutes while still moving and then do it again for x amount of minutes.

    Thanks!!! Now I don't feel so dumb!!!! :flowerforyou: