how are you doing??

it's been a few weeks/a month since some of us started on here. i was wondering how it was going. i am chugging along. i really need to get to the gym more but it's so easy to find something else that needs to be done. i am also working on getting in more fruits and veggies. while calorie-wise, i am staying near my goal(i don't count my BF'ing) i am not eating nearly enough fruit/veggies. i am also trying to have lighter meals(at least one fish) a few times a week. it's hard with boys who need to put on a few pounds and a dh who can eat anything he wants and is always complaining he is "starving"...LOL

so what's up??


  • Foogazie
    Foogazie Posts: 7
    I'm doing ok! I have my days where I eat really well, and days where I just eat junk. I have noticed a difference in my clothing and the way I look! DH has been very supportive, and since he is the cook in the house, he has been making healthier meals. We try to have a salad included in dinner everynight also. My total weight loss since January is 15 lbs! Myfitnesspal has helped with that a lot! I joined in March, and have lost 9lbs just from tracking my calories and not just working out! It really helps having you ladies and the support!