Important stuff will go here one day.
holiday weekend...what's your plan??
so the long weekend is upon us!! how are you planning to get through it diet-wise? i am not sure if i will track my calories on sun or mon. we have cookouts to go to. i am going to try to make good healthy decisions food-wise. my undoing will be the alcohol...LOL i am try to alternate beer and water or diet soda....we'll…
how are you doing??
it's been a few weeks/a month since some of us started on here. i was wondering how it was going. i am chugging along. i really need to get to the gym more but it's so easy to find something else that needs to be done. i am also working on getting in more fruits and veggies. while calorie-wise, i am staying near my goal(i…
Daily Challenge - 5/7/12
50 jumping jacks 20 squats 100 russian twists 5 kneeling push ups 1 minute downward dog 15 jack knife sit ups 10 lunges (each leg) 10 side lunches (each leg) 20 bird dogs 20 inner thigh lifts (each leg)
Daily Challenge 5/6/12
60 jumping jacks 40 crunches 10 sit ups 10 tricep dips 20 side lunges (each side) 15 incline push ups 10 oblique crunches (each side) 30 butt kickers - 5 jump squats 15 jack knife sit ups -
Daily Challenge - 5/5/12
100 jumping jacks 25 vertical leg crunches 30 crunches 20 squats 20 wall push ups 50 Russian twists 15 sec side plank (each side) 10 lunge split jump 5 jump squats 40 high knees
Daily Challenge - 5/4/12
90 jumping jacks 20 tricep dips 10 sit ups 30 bird dogs- 30 sec plank 30 squats 15 incline push ups 40 crunches 10 oblique crunches (each side) 20 standing calf rises
Daily Challenge - 5/3/12
80 Jumping Jacks 50 verticle leg crunches 20 sit ups 15 tricep dips 20 squats 10 side lunges (each leg) 15 leg lifts (each leg) 50 bicycles 15 wall push ups 40 Russian twists
Dally Challenge - 5/2/12
bonus if you do lunges etc holding lo (consider it weights LOL) 100 Jumping Jacks 50 crunches - sit ups 20 tricep dips - 15 Squats - 20 lunges (each leg) - 70 Russian twists -…
Do you track your vegetables
Do you track your vegetables as calories? For example if you eat salad do you add lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, peppers etc? In WW they are zero points. I obviously track the dressing, craisins and nuts.
Daily Challenge - 5/1/12
bonus if you do lunges etc holding lo (consider it weights LOL) 45 Jumping Jacks 15 Squats - 5 jump squats - 50 Russian twists - 30 second plank -…