holiday weekend...what's your plan??

so the long weekend is upon us!! how are you planning to get through it diet-wise?

i am not sure if i will track my calories on sun or mon. we have cookouts to go to. i am going to try to make good healthy decisions food-wise. my undoing will be the alcohol...LOL i am try to alternate beer and water or diet soda....we'll see how it goes. hopefully i will get in some walking...if not i am sure chasing around cole will be a workout.

good luck and have a great weekend


  • riah3377
    riah3377 Posts: 10 Member
    We have family coming over Saturday and Sunday :/ and then on Monday we are going to a memorial day ceremony and my dh's friends grave to pay our respects. I will probably be eating way too much and none of it healthy but i just got DH to start working out and dieting and so maybe he will help me have some self control :)
  • Foogazie
    Foogazie Posts: 7
    I didn't track Saturday or Sunday, and today I've eaten like crap, but still under my goal! Its amazing on days you really try, and you are over, and days like today where I just don't care, I still have a lot left!!!