ways to increase calories

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
Okay, Now that I've increased calories how do I possibly add more? I love blue diamond cinnamon almonds, dannon oikos greek yogurt, and I have those almost daily..any suggestions?


  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    BUMP because I've recently upped my calories and feel like all I do is eat and am not making goal!
  • angelina2585
    angelina2585 Posts: 273 Member
    Nuts, peanut butter, avocado, bananas, 2% fat Greek yoghurt, full fat yoghurts, seeds, dried fruit, more nuts :)

    My diary is open if you want a look.

    Enjoy eating more :)
  • Cclancaster
    Cclancaster Posts: 368
    BUMP because I've recently upped my calories and feel like all I do is eat and am not making goal!

    The best advice is stop eating low fat or no fat foods first off most of them are overly processed to get them that way and second if they take out the fat or sugar they replace it with something unhealthy. Cook with olive oil, greek yogurt, bread, butter, etc.. My diary is open other than a few days this last week I have been pretty close to goal using good foods. Just ignore yesterday :wink:
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Love all the food! My diary had very little blue in it..lol What are your thoughts on Carbs? I love fruit but was told fruit has a lot of sugar so I cut some of it out..likewise..love raw carrotts..too many carbs.. I would like to eat a piece of whole grain toast with my kashi..again too many carbs???

    am I fine as long as I stay within my calories and carbs..I set my macros to 40,30,30. I've been eating almonds but half the amount to cut down on calories..I'm going to eat the 1 ounce allowed now!!

    Re training your brain to eat more is tough..but I will do it
  • nutritionwhiz
    nutritionwhiz Posts: 221
    Love all the food! My diary had very little blue in it..lol What are your thoughts on Carbs? I love fruit but was told fruit has a lot of sugar so I cut some of it out..likewise..love raw carrotts..too many carbs.. I would like to eat a piece of whole grain toast with my kashi..again too many carbs???

    All of these carbs fruit, carrots, whole grain toast (make sure the label says "whole wheat or whole oat whatever) are complex carbs which means you get fiber along with the sugar. This makes your body absorb it slower and does not lead to blood sugar spikes like simple carbs do. Sometimes blood sugar spikes and the resulting low can make people crave even more carbs to get back to the high. Something diabetes have to be more aware of.

    Simple carbs would be white bread (or enriched wheat), white rice, fruit/veggie juices etc. You should focus on getting AT LEAST half of your carbs from complex sources.

    Hope this helps to allow you to enjoy more of the foods you love!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks! I do eat whole grain/whole wheat bread. I can't even stand white bread now..LOL I also eat brown rice instead of white and love it! I never thought I would like it and tried it one day and never went back to white rice..

    I wish I liked oatmeal, I just don't:( I don't drink fruit juice of any kind..I prefer the plain old fruit..hahahah So basically I should enjoy all the fruits and veggies I like..

    There is so much of eat this/not that.. less fruit/less veggies with carbs.. Gets all confusing!
  • wookiemouse
    wookiemouse Posts: 290 Member
    This is my biggest hurdle as well! I have taken to doing double servings on some of my meals (like oatmeal, but cereal could work too), but even then, it's difficult to eat that much food. I'm still almost 500 cals behind today (too much exercise - all unplanned!) so I'm going to do one and a half servings for dinner and hit the grapes and almonds for dessert.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Butter, olive oil, almonds, peanut butter.

    A handful of nuts can have a couple hundred calories in it along with good fat.