Running faster

I just finished week 6 of C25K, which is the first 25-minute run. I went for about 2.68 km, and so I didn't end up being very fast. Understandable, since I"m just starting out... I was wondering if anyone had any tips for how to increase speed, or how to train for 5k races after you're finished the C25K program. I'm running a 5k at the end of June and I'm hoping to be able to do it in half an hour.

Should I keep running for half an hour and try to increase my distance? Or should I try to run for 5k and see if I can do it faster each time?


  • the_green_midget
    the_green_midget Posts: 80 Member
  • navywifeandmomof4
    navywifeandmomof4 Posts: 958 Member
    I finished the c25k early this week yesterday i ran my first 5k time was 36:10 I'm planning on running at least 3 days a week to improve my speed and the next 5k beat my time.

    i learn the hard way that you need to keep practicing last summer i started the 5k and complete it in Oct then move on to the bride to 10k and complete that right before Christmas took a couple weeks off from running and try to pick up from where i left off(running an hour with no stopping) i couldn't make it past 20 mins. i about gave up then on April 16 i started the c25k all over doing it at 6mph (first time i did the c25k i was at 4mph) i skipped week 7 & 8 couple of days i ran in a roll so i could be able to run for 30 mins without stopping. now that i did my first 5k I'm planning on running for 30 min. without stopping at least 3 days week.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    From what I have seen and heard just restart the C25K program from the beginning.
    That's what I am doing.
    I ran my first 5K a few weeks ago. Finished with 36:39 without walking.
    I use GPS exercise trackers on my phone to track time, distance and speed.
    My first time out I barely got above 5mph for some of the run, most of it was below that speed.
    Through the rest of the training I never got higher than that speed. The few times I did I felt like collapsing.
    With the restart focusing on speed I have seen a dramatic improvement, at least in my opinion.
    My speed is between 6.5 and 7.5 MPH.

    My opinion is to focus on finishing your first race and not worry about time. Enjoy the victory of completing a 5K.