Did you start at maintenance levels or fat loss?

MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
I am preparing to start the NROL4W program on Monday, and have used the log sheet/calculations file linked on this board to determine my diet plan.

Before I saw the calculations, I was sure that I would start right off the bat with the fat loss numbers. After all, fat loss is a big goal for me (not the only one, of course, but definitely a goal). But once I did the calculations - well, the spreadsheet did - I realized that the fat loss numbers would put me under my BMR on non-workout days. That's also lower than the daily goal I'm currently using (MFP's recommendation based on losing 1 lb/week).

So, I'm now thinking that will not be enough. I will be increasing the load on my muscles incredibly (I don't lift at all now), and it doesn't make sense to feed them less while doing so. Some reading here has helped me to see that this is particularly an issue for those of us over 35 with a BMI over 25. Our multipliers seem pretty small, relatively speaking.

For information's sake, here's a link to my spreadsheet.


Others in this situation, what did you do when you started? Any advice from the veterans? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. :flowerforyou:

ETA: Another question. :ohwell:

How do others set their macros in MFP, and how do you log exercise? I've changed my daily calorie goal and my macros to match the non-workout day calculations as closely as possible, but how do I account for the extra on workout days? Just enter 300 cals of exercise on those days and hope the macros increase in the appropriate proportions?

Am I totally off-base on this?


  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Bumping in hopes of getting some feedback. Anyone have some perspective to share? :flowerforyou:
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'm just using my current 20% deficit. I figure I have the extra fat to feed that muscle, but yeah, not anywhere near going under BMR.

    The macros do increase in the appropriate portions, so I'd just set them for the nonworkout day. I set mine for 40-30-30 and.. I don't bother with exercise days or not exercise days, I just eat the 20% under tdee.. it's about a 500 calorie deficit average, so it puts me at 1 lb a week.

    I think you should keep them however you want and adjust if you're voraciously hungry.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i do the same as funbun. it's too much trouble to break it out into lifting days and non lifting days and doesnt really make a difference for me anyway since i also will do tough cardio workouts on my non lifting days.

    imy current goal is 500 calories below my TDEE and i manually put that number and the 40/30/30 macro into MFP.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I used fat2fitradio.com to determine my calorie intake. I also use the 30-30-40 intake well I have those set in MFP lol
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm over 35 with a BMI over 25 too, and I set my base calories at MFP's number for losing 1 lb./week (1430), which is a few calories more than my NROL4W calculation for the 300 calorie deficit (I think 1405).

    Then, I log lifting workouts under cardio for "strength training" and give myself at least the # of extra calories for the difference between lifting & non-lifting days from the book (currently for me, 284), but I just got an HRM, so I might start using that when it's higher (It seems pretty close so far, but I plan on using at least what the book indicates).

    Then I usually log my workouts under strength too, to let my friends see what weights I'm using for the different workouts, even though I keep track on paper too.
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks so much for the feedback, ladies. I am really excited to start tomorrow!

    I'm going to weigh in, and do measurements and pics tomorrow morning so I have a good record of my starting point. I have lost about 60 lbs since the beginning of my journey, but now that I am getting nearer my goal I am really looking forward to getting stronger.

    Sometime today I also hope to get some time to do a run-through of all the Stage 1 exercises and make sure I have all the equipment and know what to do.

    In terms of logging, I think I will do what you do, karensoxfan (thanks for the friend request, BTW - and I'm happy to hook up with any others who are interested). I have set up my calories and macros for non-lifting days at the fat loss numbers. I will just add the calorie difference for workout days (278 cals) into cardio on the days where I lift. I guess it makes sense that I could eat a stricter number of calories on non-lifting days, as long as I bump it up on lifting days.

    I'll try that for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Can't wait to see what I can do!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Im wondering about this too.. Im eating at a 15% deficit from my TDEE with my macros at 40/30/30.. But i read that you cant build muscle while eating at a deficit.. so I'm not sure how the difference in workout effectiveness will be for those eating at maintenance and those eating at a deficit.