It makes perfect sense now!

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
It's taken me a few days to wrap my head around the eat more to lose concept. However, after thinking about it it makes perfect sense. I started out weighing 195 pounds. At first I was eating 1500 calories a day and walking 2 miles 3 days a week. I was steadily losing weight. I've lost 40 pounds give and take.

Then, I believe as I began increasing my walking I SHOULD have bumped up my calories. I began to see less of a loss each week which led me to believe I was eating too much. What did I do...I cut my calories down to 1200. Over the last year I have fallen in LOVE with running.. I started out walking 2 driveways, running 2 etc. I've built my endurance up to where I now run 3.5-4 miles 3 days a week. The other 2 days I walk 3.5-4 miles or do elliptical, or swim. However, I still continued to eat only 1200. The more I work out the more irritated I became because my scale stoped moving.. I am short and still considered obese..I have a good 30 or more pounds to be a healthy reasonable weight for me. In theory I should be melting the pounds away..

My realization is that I definitly put my body into starvation mode. I had the mind set of move more eat thats what I did. Most days I didn't net 900 calories.. My BMR is low 1250 and NO WAY have I even been coming close to that.

Realization: I have to eat more to lose more..Instead of decreasing calories as my fitness improved I probably should have been increasing them.

I'm excited, I'm hopeful that this will work. I am scared as hell to eat 1486 calories a day or more(depending on activity) But, I truly believe it's what my body needs!

This site, this group is amazing..NO WAY could I embark on this journey without great supportive helping people.

Thank You


  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Awesome !!!!!! Congrats on your past losses .... And so glad you've educated yourself on the need to properly fuel your body. Indeed, we've all been "trained" to eat less, move more. While that is true ....eating less doesn't mean huge deficits. If u need anything ... Just holler. We r all on this path together.

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Wow! Have fun eating :D:D:D

    Yep. I run 4 days a week and do Insanity workouts... I eat about 2100 calories/day on average and burn over 3500/week in exercise. Net is about 1540 (but should be about 1640 according to MFP... ).