Drastic Change in activity level with new job?

RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
Am I the only one that has a really hard time figuring out my activity level? I will be working 12 hour days 5 days a week and 5 hours 1 day and 1 day off. I do HARD physical labor for at least 3/4 of that time each day. I am not sure if I am going to be able to work out anymore until I adjust. So what do I change my activity level to to calculate my calories right? I seem to be gaining weight right now but losing inches which is fine if my *kitten* is shrinking then the scale doesn't bother me. I was set at 2000 per day but here lately I've been burning more than 1000 a day and it's going to be more when I start working this new contract on Monday.


  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Do you have a HRM or Bodyfit/fitbit?

    You need to eat your BMR at the very least, so if your BMR is 1800, you are eating 2000, and burning 1000, you are only netting 1000 calories. You need to eat 800 more calories bringing your total to 2800.

    I guess you could change your activity level to sedentary and then make sure to track all your calories accurately, but I would re configure your intake to be the 7+ hours of strenuous activity.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Yeah I have a HRM and am going to try to wear it monday just not sure I will be able to stand it all day. I think I more worried about thinking I am listening to my body and eating when I feel like I need it and then OVER eating.