transitioning from body pump to NROLFW

tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
Ok - today at the gym I did my first NROLFW workout. I was able to do all of the workouts and so far am feeling pretty good. I have been doing weight training in the form of the Les Mills Body Pump classes 2x a week. So it felt weird to be done in 30 minutes today instead of an hour.

Anyway - I think starting Monday I'll skip the body pump and do the second NROLFW workout. I'm stepping out on faith because I know I'll freak out when I see the scale go up. :)

I've been spoiled. I'm one that never gained any weight when I increased my net cals from 1200 up to 1500. I have lost consistently every week. (most calculators except NROLFW calculate my BMR to be about 1580+).

So I'm wondering if anyone else has transitioned from Body Pump (a more rep workout) to NROLFW (more weight workout) and what results did you have. :)



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Feel free to friend me to see progress pics. The pink top was me transitioning from bp to heavy lifting, did NR for a little but needed more so did my own routine in free weights room and now doing cathe sts.

    You will love it.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oops not pink shirt, the side by side with me in red sports bra. That was from doing body pump and then the other pics progress from heavy lifting.
  • SteadfastSian
    Oh, I'm in the same position as you! I do BP three times a week ATM and am planning on starting NROLFW in the next couple of weeks.

    I'm worried I'm going to miss my BP classes, but I'm planning on keeping one in my schedule, but am even more nervous about having to go not the weight part of our gym. It's all blokes in there! *scream*

    Must be brave. Must be brave!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I used to do pump as well but since the weights aren't really that heavy my results were minimal. In 4 weeks of heavy lifting I lost 1 lb and a whole pants size.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm in an interesting position with this because I'm a Pump instructor. I teach it 4 times a week so finding time to lift heavy is almost impossible. I will say though that it totally changed the shape of my body. My pics tell the story in my profile. :-) I'm not sure how much more of a result I could get from lifting heavy, but I'd love to have the time to try! I have no idea what to do though. I'd walk into that weight room like a deer in headlights.:indifferent:

    I will say thought that I absolutely LOVE taking/teaching Bodypump and if you love it too then keep it in there and add some other lift days too.

    What's interesting (now granted this was in my Les Mills DVD) was they said there had been lots of scientific testing done and they found that people who did high weight/low rep didn't do any better than high rep/low weight and in face the latter had a longer effect after the workout. Propaganda? Maybe I dunno. But that's what we were told. LOL!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey guys there is nothing wrong with body pump. However for muscle to grow you have to stress them. BP is an endurance activity that the body adapts to. If you don't change things up and do the same moves/weights over and over you won't hit different muscles and there won't be progressive change. You get to a point and stay there. We should lift using periodization...a period of cutting high reps/low weight, hypertrophy(muscle growth) heavier weight lower reps, gain strength lower reps heavier go through these for a period of time. You also eat according to the phase you are much more that can be talked about here but I don't have the time right now. Kiki or I will blog it though for sure.

    Hope this helps. Since I stopped P and moved to the free wgts, there has been progressive improvement in my physique and strength. Trust me it gets easy to walk into the weight
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks Lucia!:flowerforyou:
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    I will say that I am a bit sore from my first workout on Saturday. I do plan on skipping pump tomorrow (Monday) and doing the second workout for NROL4W. I'm looking forward to being done in 30 minutes. :)

    I haven't been sore in pump since I first started - and I am one that progressively adds weight to build strength. It did make great changes in my body since I started - but now I'm ready to go to the next level. I think I will keep a pump class in there weekly since summer is coming and I'll have more time to workout (I'm a teacher).

    I'm just nervous about my next weigh in on Wednesday - due to the soreness. :) But losing a size would definitely make me feel better - I'm hovering between a 12 and a 14 and going to the 12 would make my day. So that will be my next goal!

    Thank you everyone for the replies!
