If I'm still at a deficit why am I looking bigger?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
So even though I'm eating a BUNCH more, and more than most of the ladies here, if I'm still at a 500 or more deficit, why do I look like I did 3 months ago..aka...FATTER. Everything looks bigger and puffier, and less lean. I haven't dared go on the scale. Why is this? What's the science? My fear is that I'll be one of the people it doesn't work for and I'll just have to re-lose this weight ALL over again. Thanks!


  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    So even though I'm eating a BUNCH more, and more than most of the ladies here, if I'm still at a 500 or more deficit, why do I look like I did 3 months ago..aka...FATTER. Everything looks bigger and puffier, and less lean. I haven't dared go on the scale. Why is this? What's the science? My fear is that I'll be one of the people it doesn't work for and I'll just have to re-lose this weight ALL over again. Thanks!

    I can't be sure because I don't know everything about your diet, exercise, how long you have been eating this much, how you ate before etc. But the simplest reason is when you eat more, alot of the increase is probably carbs. Carbs go to fuel your muscles as glycogen and are stored in the muscles and liver. Hence you could look bigger because of increased glycogen stores. Now whether you look bigger or not is hard to say as you are pretty close to your goal weight right? Are you gauging your appearance off of someone else comment or off what you are seeing in the mirror? Are you measuring yourself regularly? If not do that for sure, so you know what's going on.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    This is just from looking in the mirror after the shower. Everything looks just larger and fuller. I saw a video of myself today in my workout clothes and I didn't look nearly as lean as before. My log is open , I'm an instructor so I exercise constantly, and I've been eating like this for two weeks. My inches are up and I haven't dared go on the scale as at first I gained almost 4 pounds. My diet during the week especially is a lot of lean meat, veg, salad, yogurt etc. high protein. After christmas I gained 8 pounds and looked like this. I dropped my cals to 1700-2200 and lost the weight and was looking good/lean. Now I'm back to looking puffy like I did before Xmas.
  • scottc561
    scottc561 Posts: 329 Member
    This is just from looking in the mirror after the shower. Everything looks just larger and fuller. I saw a video of myself today in my workout clothes and I didn't look nearly as lean as before. My log is open , I'm an instructor so I exercise constantly, and I've been eating like this for two weeks. My inches are up and I haven't dared go on the scale as at first I gained almost 4 pounds. My diet during the week especially is a lot of lean meat, veg, salad, yogurt etc. high protein. After christmas I gained 8 pounds and looked like this. I dropped my cals to 1700-2200 and lost the weight and was looking good/lean. Now I'm back to looking puffy like I did before Xmas.

    If you are gauging your "look bigger" based on what you see in the mirror I would not even worry about it. As I said it could be increased glycogen and water stores in your muscles, which would explain a fuller look in the mirror and an increase on the scale. Or it could be your imagination. Take weekly pictures of yourself in the same pose with the same clothes on and you can get a better idea how your appearance is changing. And measurements.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    We need more info then this. By the sounds of it you haven't been doing this for very long. What's your BMR and TDEE and what calculations did you use to find this information, and how much are you eating, and what are you eating, and how much are you exercising, and how long have you been doing it?
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    This is just from looking in the mirror after the shower. Everything looks just larger and fuller. I saw a video of myself today in my workout clothes and I didn't look nearly as lean as before. My log is open , I'm an instructor so I exercise constantly, and I've been eating like this for two weeks. My inches are up and I haven't dared go on the scale as at first I gained almost 4 pounds. My diet during the week especially is a lot of lean meat, veg, salad, yogurt etc. high protein. After christmas I gained 8 pounds and looked like this. I dropped my cals to 1700-2200 and lost the weight and was looking good/lean. Now I'm back to looking puffy like I did before Xmas.

    Because you've been doing it for 2 weeks. Case closed :P this is normal in the beginning, keep at it. What's your macros fat/protein/carbs percentages like? Drinking lots of water?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I was just wondering what causes the gain. I'm 40/30/30. Gobs of water. Teach 10 classes a week. Spin/core/Pump/dance. Have a BMF with a TDEE monthly average of 3000. Cut is 2400? I do that or if I have a very active day I try and eat to a 500 calorie deficit.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Water retention causes the the gain/bloating feeling.

    Did you take your measurements? I would really suggest taking them now and then taking them again in 4-6 weeks.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    How far are you from your goal weight? If you are less than 10 lb, I recommend dropping your cut to 200-300 calorie deficit.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How far are you from your goal weight? If you are less than 10 lb, I recommend dropping your cut to 200-300 calorie deficit.
    well I WAS 10 pounds away, but last I check I was about 15 since I gained. That's a lot of water then as I look very soft and wide.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    HUN, I felt the same. I refused to check scale. BUT I know for sure i feel bigger. I look at mirror. I feel like 3 months preg ugh..

    but I have to remind myself.. it is only 2 weeks. I hope that bloated will go away after I complete my 2 weeks on tUESDAY. I pray!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    HUN, I felt the same. I refused to check scale. BUT I know for sure i feel bigger. I look at mirror. I feel like 3 months preg ugh..

    but I have to remind myself.. it is only 2 weeks. I hope that bloated will go away after I complete my 2 weeks on tUESDAY. I pray!
    ((HUGS)) I HEAR YOU!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    HUN, I felt the same. I refused to check scale. BUT I know for sure i feel bigger. I look at mirror. I feel like 3 months preg ugh..

    but I have to remind myself.. it is only 2 weeks. I hope that bloated will go away after I complete my 2 weeks on tUESDAY. I pray!
    ((HUGS)) I HEAR YOU!

    (((hugs))) Let's mop around together, but I know we will feel GREAT when we are done with this phase.. this is our consequences for under eating---- isn't it?

    Well fortunately, we found this group and I think it has helped me drastically! I don't binge eat anymore. I become less obsessed about food.. GOD!!! Who would thought I can do this?

  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I felt the same way! Week three here, I'm not gaining any more but I'm maintaining. Caught a glimpse of my fanny in the mirror today and it actually looks firmer! The best way I can think of it is that my body said, "Holy Crap!!! She's feeding me! Quick, store up as much as you can before she quits eating again" and then this week realized "OK, maybe she's going to keep feeding me, I can start dropping some of this stuff I've been saving" Stupid, overly smart survival mechanisms. Hang in there, it will get better!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I felt the same way! Week three here, I'm not gaining any more but I'm maintaining. Caught a glimpse of my fanny in the mirror today and it actually looks firmer! The best way I can think of it is that my body said, "Holy Crap!!! She's feeding me! Quick, store up as much as you can before she quits eating again" and then this week realized "OK, maybe she's going to keep feeding me, I can start dropping some of this stuff I've been saving" Stupid, overly smart survival mechanisms. Hang in there, it will get better!
    Haha! I like that! My "problem" is my burns are so high from teaching. 3300 was my TDEE yesterday. I ate my Scooby TDEE of 2400 but that was still a 900 calorie deficit! UGH!
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Great thread!

    Greysmom, I can almost guarantee, your deficit is still too high. To do all that you are doing even 2400 isn't enough. A good deficit is 15% from TDEE which usually ranges about 300 or so off TDEE. So, if you are burning 3300....you can do the math...lol.

    The workouts you do are strenuous and you have to eat to support it. It is hard to get a good weight or measurements when you really don't have a break from working out.

    From my experience here, when the deficit is high and there is excessive cardio weight is held. Most times the answer is cut back on cardio a bit, which I know you can't do. So the other alternative is to eat more.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I felt the same way! Week three here, I'm not gaining any more but I'm maintaining. Caught a glimpse of my fanny in the mirror today and it actually looks firmer! The best way I can think of it is that my body said, "Holy Crap!!! She's feeding me! Quick, store up as much as you can before she quits eating again" and then this week realized "OK, maybe she's going to keep feeding me, I can start dropping some of this stuff I've been saving" Stupid, overly smart survival mechanisms. Hang in there, it will get better!

    Terri, how long have you been EM2WL, what is your cut and how much are you working out...what do you do weekly???
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You may want to get a HRM that estimates calories burned to get a general idea of how much you are doing during the day (if you dont have one already) since your job involves a lot of fitness. Then use those numbers as an estimate to how much you should be eating.. people that work out all day sometimes are eating 5k calories or more.. Also just from a quick look at your diary I would try to cut back on sodium based items that would hold water (and make you look bigger), just a suggestion.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    What causes the gain? A bit of everything including the fact that when you're not feeding your body glycogen gets depleted. When you start feeding your body it comes back.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You may want to get a HRM that estimates calories burned to get a general idea of how much you are doing during the day (if you dont have one already) since your job involves a lot of fitness. Then use those numbers as an estimate to how much you should be eating.. people that work out all day sometimes are eating 5k calories or more.. Also just from a quick look at your diary I would try to cut back on sodium based items that would hold water (and make you look bigger), just a suggestion.
    ^this is a bad idea. HRM calorie counters are great for cycling, running etc. The equations they use are based on cardio activities. It doesn't know when you've switched from that to lifting or lying down or if you're just lying out in the really hot sun. They're not accurate for these activities.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member

    i do think lucia is right about needing to eat more.

    but just regarding the bloat and water gain....i didn't feel overly bloated when i first started, but i took a "before" pic just a couple of days after starting to eat more. about 10 days later i took another pic, and the difference was shocking. it was seriously like i was wearing a full body fat suit and i just took it off. the difference all over my body was crazy, and it was mostly due to water gain.

    i'm betting if you get to your sweet spot deficit wise, your body will be willing to let all of that go, just like terri said.