will you check my food diary

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
OMG! I ate a lot of food today..I logged my yogurt and nuts to eat before bed..Freaking out a little with the high calorie numbers as I was used to only eating 1200. I did a lot of working out this week. I bought a new bike and couldn't resist going for a few rides. I tried to to go real slow to not burn too many calories because I knew I would need to eat more.

How did my day look?

I ran 10.5 miles...walked 3.5 and biked 15 so all together=29 miles for the week! I know I need to eat more but I'm soooooo full:)


  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    MORE protein. thats the one thing that stands out to me. I recently saw the light and drastically increased my intake too, and whatdya know, it worked...
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I would say more protein, and you have to hit your BMR at the very least, and it would be better to eat your cut calories consistently for at least 6 weeks. You cant really assess whether or not its "working" if you don't remain consistent. I know mentally it can be very challenging, but hang in there, I think you will find that in the end it is very much worth the hard work!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Yeah, It's only day 3.. no way can I access if it's working yet or not. I know I need to net my BMR at least..however, no way I can stuff any more food into me right now. I would have been good had I not got a new bike and went out a couple times tonight to play with my new toy..LOL

    I feel good about my food choices other than the baked french fries..I didn't feel like making separate food for everyone tonight:)

    Any suggestions on more protein?
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    What helps me a lot on my first week is pre-track everything and make sure I hit all macro so that way I can spilt food into several meals and ensure I hit the goal. I'm on my 2nd week.. almost 2 weeks on Tuesday.

    greek yogurt, quiona, tofu, chicken (lean meat), cheese, protein shake, protein bars, etc will be helpful :)

    good luck