Still confused as to which to use. BMF? Scooby?

graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
My scooby cut is 2400 which is a fine amount of food. LOL! BUT on days like yesterday my burn was 3300. So I had a flipping 900 calorie deficit. I don't want to overeat. But could this stall me losing anything at all if I eat more but have big deficits a few times a week?


  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    If you have a BMF, I'd run a report for your average burn over the last, week, two weeks, month (depending on how long you've had it) and calculate your 15% cut from that. Scooby is estimating using formulas, the BMF is giving you your actual
    TDEE trends.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    If you have a BMF, I'd run a report for your average burn over the last, week, two weeks, month (depending on how long you've had it) and calculate your 15% cut from that. Scooby is estimating using formulas, the BMF is giving you your actual
    TDEE trends.


    you need to be consistent in what you are eating day-to-day, so if you get the average of what you are burning daily over a week or a month, you can set that as your TDEE and base your deficit on that. every day is not the same, but your eating should be. if you want to drop that water weight, you have to give your body what it needs on a consistent basis.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    My average TDEE is 3059 (may be a bit higher. Had some highly active days where fashion just couldn't rock the BMF. LOL!) So 15% is around 25-2600.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    My average TDEE is 3059 (may be a bit higher. Had some highly active days where fashion just couldn't rock the BMF. LOL!) So 15% is around 25-2600.

    so you're almost there! increase to 2600 and give it some time.

    i totally wish i had your same problem. i could eat a dang house most days.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I would cut 300 cals from the avg tdee.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    My average TDEE is 3059 (may be a bit higher. Had some highly active days where fashion just couldn't rock the BMF. LOL!) So 15% is around 25-2600.

    so you're almost there! increase to 2600 and give it some time.

    i totally wish i had your same problem. i could eat a dang house most days.

    This is what i was going to say. I need to start teaching
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    I would cut 300 cals from the avg tdee.

    Ignore me and do what Lucia says ;)
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    My TDEE is also a lot higher if I go by the average my BMF gives me in comparison to Scooby. I just increased to 2000 but I know it should still be higher, based on the average for the last 21 days being 3000.

    I was just on vacation where I burned around 3500 per day from all the walking I did so I want to give it another week so I can do a 28-day average report and get a final TDEE number then. And at that point I'll do a 300-500 calorie deficit.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Thanks guys! I bumped it to 2600 and I'll hold it there since that is higher than any other calculator and I know that I eat a bit more on some weekends and that gives me a little wiggle room since I know calories isn't an exact science. I'm sure I don't have them 100% spot on.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I'm glad to see this topic!

    So my BodyBugg consistently showed me burning just under 1900 cals/day. Yeah, pretty low, unless I do cardio, which I stopped because of all the reading I've been doing which almost implies it's a waste of time.

    When I joined this group, I reluctantly increased my cals from 1522/day to 1788/day (based on sedentary activity level on the scooby site). I haven't had my period since January, and my hair is all over the place from falling out, so I decided to go ahead and increase my cals.

    But considering my BodyBugg and BMF show me at having such a low TDEE, I feel completely lost about how much to eat. Do I take 15% off my daily 1895 TDEE (1611 cals), or do I keep eating 1788 and do cardio everyday? I'm currently in my 2nd week of Stronglifts 5x5, so not lifting the really heavy stuff yet. Or should I do extra strength training (i.e., my 35-min kettlebell workout AFTER the 5x5 workout).

    I'm totally lost...
  • nutritionwhiz
    nutritionwhiz Posts: 221

    So my BodyBugg consistently showed me burning just under 1900 cals/day. Yeah, pretty low, unless I do cardio, which I stopped because of all the reading I've been doing which almost implies it's a waste of time.

    Cardio at 30-minutes per day is good for HEART not totally useless. :happy:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm glad to see this topic!

    So my BodyBugg consistently showed me burning just under 1900 cals/day. Yeah, pretty low, unless I do cardio, which I stopped because of all the reading I've been doing which almost implies it's a waste of time.

    When I joined this group, I reluctantly increased my cals from 1522/day to 1788/day (based on sedentary activity level on the scooby site). I haven't had my period since January, and my hair is all over the place from falling out, so I decided to go ahead and increase my cals.

    But considering my BodyBugg and BMF show me at having such a low TDEE, I feel completely lost about how much to eat. Do I take 15% off my daily 1895 TDEE (1611 cals), or do I keep eating 1788 and do cardio everyday? I'm currently in my 2nd week of Stronglifts 5x5, so not lifting the really heavy stuff yet. Or should I do extra strength training (i.e., my 35-min kettlebell workout AFTER the 5x5 workout).

    I'm totally lost...
    I lost 40 pounds from basically just cardio and only at the end added Bodypump. So absolutely not useless. I have amazing cardiovascular health now, and was able to run a half marathon on a whim. And finished no problem. I can shovel snow and not get winded. Lots of great stuff comes from cardio. Don't get tunnel vision. :-)