
Hey all,

I have just started to up my calories, but would love to hear from the people who started 4-6 weeks ago. What changes have you noticed? Have you bust that plateau?? It would provide a whole load of inspiration to a newbie like me. Also, am still struggling to eat more, and sort of straying into eating cakes and crisps. Not a good way to up calories. Any healthier suggestions?


  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    This is my fourth week of eating 2,000 a day and just late last week my weight started trending downwards again so I'm about where I was when I initially increased (I only went up about 2 pounds). Observations:

    1. A lot more energy and focus. Before when I was only eating 1,200 I could manage physically, but mentally I was always getting distracted.

    2. Bloating. I'm attributing this to the fact that I mostly increased protein in the form of dairy. I'm not lactose intolerant but it was too much. I've cut back on the dairy the last few days and I'm feeling much better.

    3. Whey protein powder is a godsend. I drink it right after my workouts, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night.

    4. My clothes are definitely a little looser - the size 8 skirt I was so excited to buy just two months ago is officially too big now.

    5. Plan out your food the day before if possible - makes things easier.

    6. I sleep better.

    7. I'm HUNGRY. A lot. And I'm crankier when I don't have food. Makes me wonder how I subsisted on 1,200; I guess your body will adapt to whatever you give it!

    8. My boyfriend commented on my "guns" last night, so that was pretty exciting. I've always been muscular but I'm really starting to see some definition now. :)

    I think the most challenging thing has been exactly what you said - eating 2,000 calories a day is no problem for me; eating 2,000 healthy calories is much more challenging! I definitely leave some wiggle room to have a beer here and there, or a cookie, or whatever. But mostly I try to fill up on the good stuff.

    Staples for me include edamame, greek yogurt or cottage cheese with berries, nuts (recently decided I'm totally in love with cashews!), string cheese, beans, lean meat, peanut butter, and of course lots and lots of veggies! I also keep a few Clif Builder's Bars around but I try to eat "real food" if at all possible. I try to limit (not eliminate) the pasta, potatoes, and rice, but you will not keep me away from bread. :)

    Hope that helps!
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
    Wow! This is so inspiring. Thank you for taking the time out to write all this for me. I know that the logic behind this is sound, but it is a leap of faith for someone who is used to eating a lot less. Also, as I am a flight attendant, a lot of my eating is at odd hours and with whatever is at hand. I shall endeavour to eat healthier and yes, nuts, yogurts,fruit and veg are going to become my staples now. I hope I can come back 4 weeks from now and say that it has made a huge difference, and inspire another newbie, like you have done me. THANK YOU!
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    No problem, I was relying on others ahead of me a month ago! Overall I think this is a much more sustainable way to live. You won't lose as fast but your quality of life will be better for sure! If you're on the go, lots of snacks are definitely the way to go. I can't imagine having to spend so much time in airports without some healthy snack options (although the last time I traveled I was really impressed at the availability of healthy food, it's just a matter of making that choice).

    Other staples I forgot to mention: eggs, deli smoked turkey (not too much, it's high in sodium!), and Kashi Go Lean Crisp (to mix into yogurt!).

    Oh, and the "guns" are from strength training; but the diet is certainly speeding along the progress!

    Let us know how you're doing!
  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    and Kashi Go Lean Crisp (to mix into yogurt!).

    That is GENIUS! I am just not a yogurt fan at all unless it has like granola or something in it to give it a crunch but I burn out on that really quickly. Thanks for the idea!
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I never dropped to anything below 1700 calories a day, but when I was eating that amount and working out as much as I am (plus I'm 5'11" and 175 lb so I need more calories anyhow), I was utterly exhausted and my weight loss had stalled. I bumped my calories to maintenance for 2 weeks and my energy came back within the first week.

    Now I'm consistently losing pounds, but the inches are falling off. I'm slowing moving my way back into all my favorite smaller clothes and it feels amazing. I'm hungry in a good way, feel the freedom to eat, and most importantly I have ENERGY. I'm not too exhausted to focus or workout.

    Some key things I eat to get my 2400 calories a day:
    Sunny cranberry trail mix (Target, Archer Farms)
    Apple + Peanut Butter
    Carrots + Hummus
    Banana Walnut Protein Muffins (I just substitute 4 mashed bananas and 1/4 cup walnuts for the spices and pumpkin puree in this recipe:
    Wholly Guacamole 100 cal pack + chicken breast
    Avocado + lime juice + salt

    My diary is open so you can see some of the other foods I eat as well. I try to target reaching 1600 calories before dinner, otherwise I can't hit my 2400 cal/day target.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    It took about 6-8 weeks for things to even out for me and for the weight to finally trend downwards. For me, the biggest frustration is I have very short AF cycles, so I barely get over the bloat from one cycle, and then finally see a loss and then things go back up for the third week.. so its been a huge mental block for me to get past. But at least tracking my weight daily has helped me to see my trend, and now I know what to expect on a monthy basis.

    The last 5 weeks my weight has finally started trending down. Its still slow moving, but it is going down. I will be honest, I would love to see a bit larger of a loss weekly, but seeing any loss eating 2400 cals a day is still a shocker to me:)
    Im stil working on getting more protein and the only way ive been able to come close is by using protein powders.
    I have started NROL4W so Im hoping in the next few weeks to take measurements again and see how things have progressed there.
  • rebekahgo
    rebekahgo Posts: 235 Member
    quick reply because i'm posting on the sly at work.

    EMTWL = best thing i've ever done for my health. it's a sustainable lifestyle. the support here is awesome. i freaking love to eat.

    results = bunch of inches lost (actually have this written down at my other office or i would list it out), started at 152.5 and i now fluctuate 145-147, went from wearing 10s and loose 12s to 6s and 8s. i've essentially reached my goal weight of 145. i decreased that goal a litle bit back to 140, but now that i have hit 145, i'm pretty happy there as a weight. i am now looking toward strengthening.
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
    My Goodness! All of you are so AMAZING, and such great support. This site is a Godsend! God Bless Lucia and Kiki. I am still struggling to up my calories, and falling short by a couple of hundred. But I intend to persist and hopefully, in time my body will accept that it is being fed, and will never be deprived again. It is as much a physical shift as a mental one.

    One last question: As my TDEE-15% is 1800 calories, what do I do on the days that my cardio hits around 400 cals? Tomorrow I will be doing a Body Step class and Level 2 of the 30 DS. How do I factor this in? I do love my exercise. It keeps me sane. So please don't tell me to cut it out.

    THANK YOU AGAIN, all you wonderful people!:flowerforyou:
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    My Goodness! All of you are so AMAZING, and such great support. This site is a Godsend! God Bless Lucia and Kiki. I am still struggling to up my calories, and falling short by a couple of hundred. But I intend to persist and hopefully, in time my body will accept that it is being fed, and will never be deprived again. It is as much a physical shift as a mental one.

    One last question: As my TDEE-15% is 1800 calories, what do I do on the days that my cardio hits around 400 cals? Tomorrow I will be doing a Body Step class and Level 2 of the 30 DS. How do I factor this in? I do love my exercise. It keeps me sane. So please don't tell me to cut it out.

    THANK YOU AGAIN, all you wonderful people!:flowerforyou:

    If your net calories (food - exercise) ends up below your BMR, just keep eating until you net that amount. I usually do this on nights I have roller derby - last week I burned more than 800 calories at practice (normally it's around 600), I had to eat a TON when I got home at 9:30 p.m.! Next time I'll eat more beforehand and plan on at least a 200-300 calorie snack afterwards. It's hard because my practices are at night so I never know.. :)
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
    Thanks Slammy1079! I think it all lies in being prepared. I will attempt to eat at least 2000 calories as hopefully that'll take me over my BMR - exercise cals burnt. Excited about this journey!!:happy:
  • asidebottom
    asidebottom Posts: 67

    I'm only a couple of weeks in so haven't weighed or measured myself yet, I'm leaving it a month so I don't panic!

    So far I have noticed:

    - Way more energy, I used to be falling asleep at 8:30pm, now I can easily stay awake until 10:30pm. Hubbie is a night owl so he's very happy.

    - I sleep so much better, I am using a FItbit so I know my sleeping patterns, I was waking around 9 times a night, now it's down to 2 or 3.

    - I'm just about to start lifting heavy (today - yay!) but have been going to the gym with a personal trainer for a while and he has noticed how much more energy I have.

    - The bloating lasted a week or so, I feel much better this week, my tummy is definatley flatter.

    - My skin looks great, people keep telling me how well I look :happy:

    Food wise I am just finding my feet with my macros, I tend to have:

    B: Omlette with one whole egg and two egg whites plus a bunch of veggies.
    S: Apple and some low fat cheese
    L: Chicken Salad and a couple of rye crackers followed by a yoghurt
    S: Houmous and veggies
    D: Stir fry veggies and wholegrain rice with fish
    Post workout snack is a Protein Bar as I don't like shakes.

    I'm eating loads, not at all hungry :smile:
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
    Thank you for all the info!! Do you manage to cover all your calories this way. Maybe because I've trained my body to eat so little, I find I fill up quickly, and am normally looking at 800+ calories to cover, come dinner time!! But you are right, I am only 3 days in but my energy levels are phenomenal! Won't be going near the scale for 6 weeks if I can help it. Am just going to go by the fit of my clothes. :wink:
  • slammy1079
    slammy1079 Posts: 97
    Trust me, your body gets used to that much food real fast. I'm hungrier now than I was on 1,200 calories a day! Bonus here is that I actually get to eat when I'm hungry. :)
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    At the end of 6 weeks,

    My results were:

    4lbs down (from where I started, I was 10lbs down from where my weight went up after starting this)

    1.75" off my belly
    1.5 inches off my hips
    1.5" off my neck
    1" off the bicept
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 122 Member
    pmanco you asked my SAME QUESTION! THANKS!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    I've been eating more for only three weeks and have lost 1.8 lbs already! I feel better, have more energy, more focus and just by those things I KNOW I am doing the right thing for my body. It does feel like a leap of faith but it's worth that leap! The whole BMR and TDEE thing just makes TOO MUCH SENSE! It's why I cannot understand why people refuse to believe that sustaining on 1200 calories a day and not eating back exercise calories is a way of life. Boggles my mind. Oh well, they will end up here when they hit a plateau! You will continue to lose! Good luck to you!
  • bettyzing
    bettyzing Posts: 48
    Hey all,

    I have just started to up my calories, but would love to hear from the people who started 4-6 weeks ago. What changes have you noticed? Have you bust that plateau?? It would provide a whole load of inspiration to a newbie like me. Also, am still struggling to eat more, and sort of straying into eating cakes and crisps. Not a good way to up calories. Any healthier suggestions?

    Hi ya, I started upping calories around a week ago so can't tell you results yet but my diary is open if you want to see how easy it is to eat 2000 cals!
  • pmanco2009
    pmanco2009 Posts: 76
    Thank you everyone for writing in! This week I am focussing on meeting my TDEE numbers. Next week on I will try and get the macros right. So far : Great energy, sleeping like a baby, and uniform seems a bit looser. What's not to love???
  • ermickel
    ermickel Posts: 167 Member
    Trust me, your body gets used to that much food real fast. I'm hungrier now than I was on 1,200 calories a day! Bonus here is that I actually get to eat when I'm hungry. :)

    I hope so because I feel so weird shoving in food when I am not hungry at all!!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    A good one to look at is NSV updates sticky and the measurement updates one. But here is mine for last 4 1/2 weeks

    Start date 30th april 2012
    old cals 1500 netting 1100-1200
    new cals for workout and nonworkout days - 2150
    bmr of 1670

    one month later lost my first pound. yay its begun

    I upped to my cut value and at first was a struggle to eat so much but i swapped my light options for regular ones but of course still looking at other factors like low in salt etc. Had protein powder after my workouts some days and made homemade protein balls to get in some extra protein. Tempting to get those extra cals with junk food but i find i don't really want it now and so go for fruit usually. But of course i don't limit myself if i feel like a treat I do have one ... I just have some restraint now! For instance if i felt like a bit of choc I let myself have a whittakers sante bar ... YUM ... but was just enough. I had today choc for the first time in 3 weeks .. this is huge for me a self proclaimed chocoholic- protein balls helped though

    i eat every 2-3 hours and am hungry every time. I do 30 day shred x3 week and elliptical/cross trainer x2 week.

    I recently ran a 5km and got my best time ever ... managed to shave off 10 mins off my previous time.

    I was also very consistent with hitting my cut value every single day so my body and i now know when to expect its next meal and trusts me to fuel it properly.

    Also i went out shopping and got a new outfit in a size smaller!!! I feel so sexy and my confidence is x100 more. I also noticed that my stomach has smoothed out and isn't as lumpy ... not sure why but i will take it. definitely seeing changes

    For the first 3 weeks i found it real hard and couldn't comprehend it happening for me and i thought i would be one of those people that it works for others and i would be that one that it doesn't but looks like i was wrong.

    Hope this helps :flowerforyou: