Do you need to lose more than 30 pounds......

txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
I would like to lose at least 30 more pounds. That would put me at 154. I was that weight a few yrs ago and that was comfortable for me. Of course, when I get there I just might keep going! Anyway, it seems that a lot of you on here don't need to lose that much. I'm scared to death to eat so many calories. Lucia is kindly helping me! Thanks! I've upped from about 1450 to 1700 (which is a struggle) and she wants me to be at 1900. I'm just looking for some success stories on people that have lost 30-40 pounds after upping, or newbies just starting that need to lose that much. Also healthy options for reaching those calories! Thank you in advance, everyone here is so supportive that I rarely read any other boards anymore!

Current stats:
Age 43
HT 5'4"
SW 205
CW 184 (and stuck for a month!)
BMR 1548
TDEE 2399
TDEE -20% 1919


  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5 weeks in, but I still need to lose at least 50 pounds, but closer to 60. So you are not alone!
  • wonderkitten711
    wonderkitten711 Posts: 109 Member
    I have ~105lbs to go (my ticker indicates otherwise cuz I refuse to depress myself that much on a daily basis, haha) and I've lost the 57 pounds I'm down so far never eating below 1800. I actually had to UP them a bit more a few weeks ago, and while my loss slowed down ever so slightly, I'm feeling even better at the higher number. So far I have not plateaued at all while eating at the higher numbers. Here are my stats:

    age: 26
    Height: 5'9
    SW: 341 (pre-MFP)
    MFP SW: 308
    CW: 283.6
    UGW: 180
    BMR: 2088
    TDEE: 3236
    TDEE-20%: 2588

    The biggest thing for me is taking measurements. My weight loss on the scale has been slower the past month or so, but I'm shrinking like mad (seriously, I've dropped a pants size in a month, despite only losing about 5 pounds on the scale)

    Feel free to add me as a friend too if you'd like :)
  • erikapereira
    erikapereira Posts: 196
    I need to loose 80 pounds. Last week I increased my calories from 1840 to 2200 and I started noticing changes on the scale. Im just hoping it continues like that :)
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I measured about a month into my MFP journey (around FEB) and only measure about every 3-4 weeks but I think I may have done something wrong or measured in a different spot because I KNOW I'm losing inches. None of my clothes fit! I had to go buy several outfits to go on vacation this week. But it's not really showing on the tape measure.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Im still plugging along as well. I have about 70 pounds to be considered "normal". Right now Id love to get below 200 again.
    Ive been eating more for a little over two months, and while things were really slow and frustrating in the first 6 weeks or so, my trend has been going down the last 5 weeks.. its been slow but I have faith that things will still get me to the end faster than if I was starbving myself and plateauing all the time
  • listabit
    listabit Posts: 28 Member
    I need to lose at least 30 pounds. I'm setting 30 lbs as my current goal. I started eating more about 3 weeks ago. Still trying to get in the optimal calorie range. I'm 43, 5'7", and 189 lbs. I've been trying for years to lose weight after my second child (now 11 - no joke!). I have always worked out (with trainers and on my own.) I'm coming to believe I have not ever eaten enough. So, I'm trying this method. I'll keep you posted on the progress in this group.

    It feels good to eat again. Nothing is worse than exercising liek a fiend, restricting calories, being hungry, and making NO progress. I'm done with the torture. It's exhausting and unproductive.
  • heidi5k
    heidi5k Posts: 181 Member
    Hey there! We need to be friends... :) I'm 42 (and 1/2), and am at a similar weight (184). My goal is 142, so yeah, I've got a ways to go. Which is fine - I'm just so happy to be eating well and getting healthy.

    I have only been doing this for 1 month, but I am starting out with the higher cals (I'm in the 1700's somewhere). I have seen consistant losses, not huge - but again, that's fine.

    "Friend" me and we can keep each other on track! :)

    - Heidi
  • lemonfizzle
    lemonfizzle Posts: 40 Member
    I want to lose around 35 pounds, which would put me at 140. I was really comfortable at that weight, so for now that is my target. I have only been eating more calories for a week, but I still lost a pound and I feel so much better. I am able to actually exercise now, whereas before I was always too tired or too hungry to actually finish a workout. I think I am also sleeping better, which is a huge bonus.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    In my mind, i have about 70 to go. In reality, its probably less than that, due to building LBM...which I'm fine with. I've set goals in 10% increments for myself, just as a baseline / gauge - but i know that the scale itself is the devil incarnate and will not be the deciding factor on whether or not i am making progress. The fact that i was able to fit into a pair of pants from the thinner side of the closet...will.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    I lost my initial 25+ pounds and then hit a plateau for about 8 weeks. I'd like to lose another 60 lbs and have been following this message board crazily. I haven't figured out all my goals in terms of calories, etc, but I know I need to bump it up. Would welcome any support as I enter this next phase to reaching my goal.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    I have about 40 pounds to lose!! I've been eating more for 8 weeks now (I think??) and so far, so good! I'm eating 2000 calories a day (I probably need to increase though based on the TDEE I've been given from my BMF but I'm waiting until next week to get a better average since I've only had it for 3 weeks).
  • fitnhealthykaren
    OMG, you and I are very similar in "stats". I'm 44, 5'4", goal weight is 140ish, although, like you, when I was in the mid 150's, I was looking really good. (I'm natually muscular and have always weighed more than I look) I had been at a long stall before I upped my calories, with the advise of a nutritionist, to at least 1700 per day. She said my range can be 1700-1900. Now I'm finally seeing 1lb/wk consistenly for the last month. I've got a good 50lbs to go, but I'm really confident that I'll get there easily without feeling like I'm "dieting"!

    Please feel free to friend me! :happy:
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I need to lose *at least* another 50 pounds, probably more like 75. I started doing EMTWL at the beginning of the month, I've lost almost 5 pounds so far.
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Thank you everyone for the replies!! So helpful to hear from people with similar goals! I love this group!
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Oh, and BTW, I joined MFP last yr around March and then didn't use it at all. So when I came back in Jan of this yr I had lost a little just from changing jobs from a sedentary to more walking. My ticker says 34 but 21 of that is since Jan 2012.

    *Edit- I've been in this rut for about a month and am upping calories to get out of it!
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    First goal is to get to 200 then 15 more pounds from there. :) so 54 total to go.
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    I lost my first 50 starving myself but due to developing health problems: dizziness, weakness, hair falling out, weight gain on 1000 cals a day, skin flaking off, etc.... I finally had to up my calories. I was able to lose the next 50 the healthy way. Still have about 20 to lose but really more focused on fat loss than weight loss now.
  • time2shine29
    time2shine29 Posts: 104 Member
    I've lost about 35 and I have about that much to go! Here is to steady dedication, logging, exercise and overall health!
  • Mommareed4
    Mommareed4 Posts: 144
    I have lost about 60 pounds over the past year..working on getting the last 25 pounds off I was at a stand still for the past 6 months or I started EM2WL last week :)
  • meggyh20
    meggyh20 Posts: 116
    I started MFP 22 days ago at the recommended 1200 calorie net. After following that for three weeks, I felt I was starving myself and though I've lost three lbs, I'm at a standstill even though I'm burning 3-400 calories average/day and eating well. I felt it wasn't the right thing to be doing and came across this forum. It makes sense to me, so now I'm upping my intake to 1800 calories made up of healthy foods, more protein and less carbs (I'm a carboholic). I am 30 yo and started at 198.6 lbs. Yesterday's 3 week weight was 195.4, and my goal weight is 140 lbs. Fortunately, my DH is joining me on this journey so I have motivation and support in my household. Starting the higher calorie intake today and hoping that the fact that I haven't been on the low calorie diet for long will help turn it around more quickly.