New, 18yo female. Tips?

sekaie Posts: 23 Member
Hey guys

I've struggled with weight loss for about 6 years now, and I've tried it all and lost very little. I've tried starving, 1200 calories, frantic exercise, I've binged along the way but only lost 13lbs over 6 years. I've decided that I've got nothing to lose anymore and I'll try my best to be truly healthy and fit, as an 18 year old female should be.

I've done my research, and between my BMR and TDEE I should be eating 1650 a day. I also have a workout plan I do 4 times a week. I'm trying to eat the most nutrition dense foods I can and space my meals to 5 x 330 meals evenly throughout the day. I'm now 129lbs and would like to get to 115lbs (I'm currently 27% body fat, and I've been told by both my doctor and trainer that 115lbs would be healthy for me).

I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or if they could add me to keep me motivated and my diary clean :)