raised calories

Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
Now what lol
i was undereating by over 1000 calories will i gain at first ? help lol
my tdee is 2888 my bmr is 1680 i raised to 2250 right wrong?


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Your 15% cut is 2454. Eat that amount every single day and make sure on workout days to at least net your BMR.
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    Okay sounds good ill do that now Ive been so tired lately and I cant help but thinking maybe im just way under eating
  • RoosMommy01
    RoosMommy01 Posts: 88
    I'm in the same boat! *LOL* I was averaging 1,200 calories a day on a good day but recently found out I should be eating way more. My BMR is 1882 and TDEE is 2188.

    I just started eating more on Saturday afternoon and already gained 2lbs but everyone is telling me that is to be expected. Give your body a chance to adjust to the higher food intake and then you will start dropping again.
  • Cwilliams8676
    Cwilliams8676 Posts: 300 Member
    Ill gain at first? Oh lord Would it be a good idea to be scaleless a few weeks?
  • GnaBee12
    GnaBee12 Posts: 3
    I did. I didn't even so much as look at the scale...
  • RoosMommy01
    RoosMommy01 Posts: 88
    *LOL* Yes! That's what I'm going to do. I stepped on this morning to see what it would say and saw the 2lb gain but didn't get upset because I was already expecting that to happen. But I don't want to see anymore of a gain so I'm not going to step on it again until next month on the 21st. I've read it takes anywhere from 2-4 wks for your body to adjust so I'm going to eat more and keep up my same exercise routine and just see how it goes this month.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Great idea...no scale:-)

    Also read what to expect when upping calories!