Metabolism Repair: When Should I Cut?

Here are my stats:

145 lbs

BMR: 1389-1400 (depending on what site I use)
TDEE: 1998 (Work out about 3 times a week for about 30 minutes or more)

I lost over 80 lbs over 6 years. I plateaud the year before last so I kept yo-yoing and lowering my cals to about 1000-1200 (but then I'd have terrible binge days). I was running a lot and not eating my cals back either. This went on for almost two years and I lost absolutely no weight.

In January I got on the scale for the first time in a month and realized I GAINED 10 lbs. So I cut my cals severely (I'm talking I may have eaten 500 cals the whole day and then worked it off). I lost the 10 lbs alright but as soon as I ate a little more, I gained some back.

I upped my cals slowly over the last 6 weeks or so to get closer to my TDEE. I'm at about 1900 now and I've gained about 2 lbs over the last two weeks.

My question is when do I cut again? Should I wait until I don't gain any weight over a certain period of time? And should I cut 15% or 20% of my TDEE?

I'm sure this has been answered somewhere but I looked through the forum and just don't have time to read everything! Thanks!


  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    I upped my cals slowly over the last 6 weeks or so to get closer to my TDEE. I'm at about 1900 now and I've gained about 2 lbs over the last two weeks.

    My question is when do I cut again? Should I wait until I don't gain any weight over a certain period of time? And should I cut 15% or 20% of my TDEE?

    Thankfully, you should not have to cut again. For most people it's an effort to get to 15% cut (and/or they are scared to eat). But once you get to the 15% cut you should be good to lose the weight you want. Also, be thankful that you've only gained 2 pounds during your first 6 weeks. I gained over 5 pounds the first week alone and have been floating between 3-5 pounds higher for the last 7 weeks.

    Hope that helps.