Week 6, Walk 3 mins. Jog 4 mins. 4 reps

jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
Here you can log your progress for Week 6, daily or weekly. Please let us know if it was comfortable or hard, also, let us know your age and height, your measurements or weight, which ever you prefer, and whether or not you loss any weight or inches. Thanks.

Walk 3 minutes.
Jog 4 minutes.
Repeat each set 4 times (walk 3 minutes, Jog 4 minutes, which is 1 rep., then repeat).

Your total Walking time would be 12 minutes.
Your total Jogging time would be 16 minutes..
Your total time in minutes all together will be 28 minutes.

You do this workout 4 times a week.


  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I did this one today and it was fairly easy for me. So this is where I think I will start/begin my challenge here. I weigh 125. Waist is 128.5. I hope by the time that I finish this, I am able to run for a full mile or more. I hope that I will burn fat as well. My body fat is 22.2, which I want to get down to about 17. I really did not want to lose anymore weight, but if I do, only about 5 more.....lol, everytime I get down 5, I want to get down 5 more lbs. This thing is becoming addictive.....lol.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    I did my 2nd day of my first week today. I sweat like crazy on this. I will take a break tomorrow and do it maybe Thursday. I did it on the treadmill again.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
    Did my 3 day today or should I say yesterday since it is after 12 a.m. which makes it sunday. It was not hard at all. I jogged at 5mph. One more day here and I will advance to week 7.