Calories needed

hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
I read through all the stickys about a month ago, calculated my cut TDEE and off I went. My calculations included a 10% increase to the TDEE number for digestion. When I read through the information again and the digestion part of the calculation is gone. So it looks like I've been eating too many calories.

Age - 43
Weight - 132 (before I increased calories, today it was 142)
Height - 5'6"

BMR - 1330

Cut TDEE (15%) - 1950
I chose 5/6 hours per week of exercise. I am about 1/2 way through P90x doubles routine.

Cut TDEE (15% with digestion added in) - 2144

The difference is almost 200 calories per day. Should I have included the 10% addition for digestion?

I thought I was getting this but now I'm confused.


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I never paid attention to the digestion part. I eat my cut value.. whatever it was on the scooby site..
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    I never paid attention to the digestion part. I eat my cut value.. whatever it was on the scooby site..

    Same here.
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    That means I've been eating too many calories for the last three weeks.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    That means I've been eating too many calories for the last three weeks.

    Sorry, but you're still at a deficit to TDEE which is the main thing. Hang in there.
  • hollydohrman
    hollydohrman Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks for bringing me back to reality. To many years of eating very little is a hard habit to break.