Week 4 Challenge

JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
I think I am mostly posting this for myself but I am okay with that. For those of us doing strength/circuit training I'd love it if you continued to post your progress. :wink:

As most of you know, I suffered horribly last week with shingles therefore was unable to do the rep challenge. I am posting last week's challenge again as this is what I will be focusing on along with walking Jesse after work.

Eat 3 servings of fruit or veggie each day (morning, mid-day, evening)
Try 2 of the exercises in the Intermediate Challenge
Trade 2 soda/tea/coffee for 32oz of water each day
Walk for at least 20 mins a day - this should be at a steady pace, get that heart rate up!

Intermediate - 175 Rep Challenge this week/25 reps each (check off as you go)
Seated Dumbbell Butterfly Press
Seated Dumbbell Military Press
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Lunges (Alternate Left/Right)
Sit Ups
Try to complete one session or break up throughout week

Advance - 500 Rep Challenge this week/50 reps each (check off as you go)
Seated Dumbbell Butterfly Press
Seated Dumbbell Military Press
Tricep Kick Back
Jumping Jacks
Lunges (Alternate Left/Right)
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Flutter Kicks (count of 4 = 1 set)
Try to complete one session or break up throughout week


  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Started off yesterday's rep challenge slow at the request of the hubby so I maxed out on sit ups (50) after walking Jesse. I plan on working on legs today since he does not want me to irritate my right under arm.
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    I did some reps today
    50 push ups, various ways
    60 squats
    30 crab toe touches(one leg one rep)
    30 step ups(both legs together as 1 rep)
    total of 170.
    Listen to your husband Jo, you need to get all better!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I did some reps today
    50 push ups, various ways
    60 squats
    30 crab toe touches(one leg one rep)
    30 step ups(both legs together as 1 rep)
    total of 170.
    Listen to your husband Jo, you need to get all better!
    Great job girlie and lol @ the hubby comment. He went with me on my walk this evening and encouraged me to walk/jog. He ran sprints as I jogged behind him for the same distance. He said I jogged about a third of the 2 miles we walked. I think that is okay considering I have never jogged/ran before.
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    Worked on legs and abs today

    Jumping Jacks - 25
    Kegels - 25
    Mountain Climbers - 25
    Sit Ups - 100 (4 sets of 25)
    Squats w/exercise ball - 25

    Total - 200
  • ummommyme
    ummommyme Posts: 362 Member
    i got in 1 1/2 miles today and some reps.
    30 push ups
    30 tricep dips
    20 inverted rows(with my knees bent)
    30 step ups
    110 total, for the week so far 270.
    Great job Jo on the jogging, it's hard work.