Starving the day after lifting

macnurseapril Posts: 53 Member
I've been EMTWL for over 8 weeks and I'm doing NROL4W and some cardio as well (15-20 min alternating HIiT or random program for warm up and on one of my "rest" days).

I upped my weight my last 2 sessions and I am starving the day after. I ate a tonne of protein the last time (Saturday) and I prepped for tomorrow with more protein today and I'm hoping for better tomorrow.

But what do you eat when you are starving? (even 2900 wasn't enough on Saturday).

Thanks for your suggestions!


  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Its definitely a "new" thing to be so hungry even though you are doing nothing but eating!:)
    I usually have an extra shake or an extra protein bar if I need to. I try to make sure my breakfast is a bit bigger, Ill add a greek yogurt to my oatmeal or something. My lunches are still a work in progress but I have been trying to eat more protein for lunch. Im not a fan of sammies and such so its hard to eat meat at lunch for me:).. But Ive made an effort to have chicken made up so I can eat that.

    Water.. make sure you keep on top of your water consumption the day after lifting. I find that helps me not feel so hungry at times.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I have found the same thing.

    I have just tried adding in a few more almonds here or there and drinking more water.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    This makes me feel lots better. I did my first NROL4W workout on Saturday - and then did my first day of C25K (yes I'm crazy) on Sunday. And today I had my usual stuff for breakfast and lunch and was still starving! :) I was wondering what was going on.

    I'm still trying to figure out calories so am at 1500 (net) right now until I see how this first week goes.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one!

  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I have an extra protein shake with a banana- this might put me over my macro goals that day but I really don't sweat it. It's one day and I can't reliably say how lifting's long tail affects my TDEE that day so I go with my instincts.