How consistent is consistent?

Seems like a silly question, but after seeing how much I have bounced around in my calories for the last six weeks unintentionally, I really want to work at being consistent. I'm trying for 2100 calories/day. I do P90x, so I figure if I fall into moderately active category, then that's eating at maintenance for a metabolism reset. If I fall into active, then that's my cut. Either way, I should be fueling my body enough to get something going again.

But, how precise do you have to be for your body to register you as consistent? Is it a 50 calorie margin, 100 calorie, 200 calorie?

Most days I can probably hit 2100 with no problem, but honestly 1900-2000 is easier some days. If I eat a range of 1900-2100, is that good enough or is that still too wide of a margin to register consistency?


  • lkcostello
    lkcostello Posts: 49 Member
    I have the same question. I've been tracking my calories on EMTWL since May 8. I'm trying to stay around 1700 cals, but some days (weekends) it is around 2000. My average over this time period is 1800. My TDEE -15% is 1814 if I do moderate activity and 1610 if light activity. I haven't lost or gained weight, only up and down the same 1/2 lb. But I do feel slimmer. So I don't know if I'm doing it right either. Any thoughts?
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Same here...I have my cals set at 1800 which is for moderate activity for me but sometimes I only eat 1600 a few days per week....I am trying to eat 1800 period but somedays it just doesn't happen....I hope this is enough to let my body know that I am not starving it b/c for me it is so hard to get more cals in sometimes...
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I am at 2700 for metabolic reset and I admit i have had m&ms the last couple days just to get my calories in. I know that's kinda counterproductive but it's hard eating that much food when everything you know about dieting says you shouldn't. I feel like I'm cheating everyday. but i don't feel hungry and i have tons of energy for my workouts. I think I am going to try bulking up my protein shakes, Maybe 2 scoops of protein instead of one., adding bananas...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Metabolic Reset is eating TDEE every single day...your activity level (if the correct one is chosen) is included so that is all you eat daily for 8 wks.

    If you are in the cutting phase then TDEE - 15% daily...and you want to NET no less than BMR on workout days. Again if you choose the correct activity level you shouldn't have to eat back any extra calories.

    Now, to be careful...eating less cals can become a slippery slope. I can't say I hit my magic "number" exactly everyday, but I am usually pretty close over a few calories over. We just don't want you to get in the habit of saying 100 calories less everyday is ok...why, that takes you from approximately a 15% cut to about a 20% in most cases.

    Be consistent, because honestly TDEE is just an estimate, and I can't even begin to tell you guys how many times we tend to UNDERESTIMATE our activity. Some have issues losing eating cut and want to drop back down(I can think of at least 2 that have)...then they get a BMF and see their deficit was really guess what? More calories to eat. So, said all that to say...try really hard to get as close as possible to your goal calorie everyday:happy:

    Also, before even thinking about dropping calories...maybe post what is happening to get some feedback...I have yet to date see it is due to too many would be amazed how the body reacts to getting more calories, but still not "enough" calories. The great never ever have to starve again!!!!:drinker:
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Oh, there is not a thing wrong with enjoying foods either...there is no way to "junk" out if you are eating within the macros 40/30/ please get out of your minds that you are cheating if you eat M&M's. NO, you are LIVING...this is a LIFE LONG journey of moderation, not deprivation! When you deny yourself of everything...that is when binging comes in to play. Watch your macros and build in your "treats"...and enjoy them!!!!
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    Oh, there is not a thing wrong with enjoying foods either...there is no way to "junk" out if you are eating within the macros 40/30/ please get out of your minds that you are cheating if you eat M&M's. NO, you are LIVING...this is a LIFE LONG journey of moderation, not deprivation! When you deny yourself of everything...that is when binging comes in to play. Watch your macros and build in your "treats"...and enjoy them!!!!

    This is the hardest thing for me to wrap my head around. Are you saying the metabolic reset should last 8 weeks?? yikes.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Oh, there is not a thing wrong with enjoying foods either...there is no way to "junk" out if you are eating within the macros 40/30/ please get out of your minds that you are cheating if you eat M&M's. NO, you are LIVING...this is a LIFE LONG journey of moderation, not deprivation! When you deny yourself of everything...that is when binging comes in to play. Watch your macros and build in your "treats"...and enjoy them!!!!

    This is EXACTLY what happens to me. (binging if I deny myself soemthing)
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I love this group, every time I have a question or a thought about something boom there it is! I love also that a lot of things I believed beforehand are validated!
  • Mom2M_and_O
    Mom2M_and_O Posts: 214
    Okeydoke -- 2100 calories (or more) it will be for the next several weeks -- even if I have to keep a few gummy bears on hand for those "not-as-hungry" days. It is amazing how tempting it is to eat a little less.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Oh, there is not a thing wrong with enjoying foods either...there is no way to "junk" out if you are eating within the macros 40/30/ please get out of your minds that you are cheating if you eat M&M's. NO, you are LIVING...this is a LIFE LONG journey of moderation, not deprivation! When you deny yourself of everything...that is when binging comes in to play. Watch your macros and build in your "treats"...and enjoy them!!!!

    This is the hardest thing for me to wrap my head around. Are you saying the metabolic reset should last 8 weeks?? yikes.

    Yes it should last 8 weeks.
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I feel like an idiot . . . what is BMF?
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    Body Media Fit
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I feel like an idiot . . . what is BMF?

    Don't feel bad......I had to ask what HIIT was!!! :blushing:

    Body Media Fit is a device that you wear for 23 hours a day that tells you how many calories you burned/steps/sleep pattern.