I'm Very Pretty



  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    YAY! I got my first dirty message. Thanks Jen. ;)

    Some of us are looking for the nice guy who doesn't play games and isn't all about getting in the girl's pants. Sometimes guys do suck but sometimes they are great. But now with internet dating and all the bs that goes with it, it is hard to find the nice ones.

    But what if I really like playing Monopoly and Connect 4?
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    YAY! I got my first dirty message. Thanks Jen. ;)

    Some of us are looking for the nice guy who doesn't play games and isn't all about getting in the girl's pants. Sometimes guys do suck but sometimes they are great. But now with internet dating and all the bs that goes with it, it is hard to find the nice ones.

    I aim to please baby!! lol.

    Um, no. The nice guys are the first kicked to the curb. The best guys are the ones who are confident, have backbone yet know when to be caring.

    I have a nice boy and he didn't get kicked to the curb. I call him my mush monster because he is so darn sweet.
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Hmm.. I like breaking bad boys' hearts.

    No but really. I like nice guys. I've had my share of *kitten*.

    I just want my nice guy to be confident and not clingy. It seems a lot of nice guys are super clingy.. I wonder why?

    Maybe it's because they're used to being kicked to the curb by women, so when a woman actually wants a nice guy and sticks with him, he gets super elated and becomes super clingy.. which is a huge turn off for a lot of women.

    Okay, so I don't want a nice guy. I want a nice manly man.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member

    Um, no. The nice guys are the first kicked to the curb. The best guys are the ones who are confident, have backbone yet know when to be caring.

    ^^ This

    The thing is girls (well probably not all girls, but I do) want a guy that cuts through the crap and is straight up with me. I don't want lines, nasty come ons or games. Guys that are confident, nice and don't play mind games will always get the girl long term. Guys that are confident but douchy might get a girl short term but it won't last. Guys that are nice but with no confidence will never get the girl.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    YAY! I got my first dirty message. Thanks Jen. ;)

    Some of us are looking for the nice guy who doesn't play games and isn't all about getting in the girl's pants. Sometimes guys do suck but sometimes they are great. But now with internet dating and all the bs that goes with it, it is hard to find the nice ones.

    But what if I really like playing Monopoly and Connect 4?

    Board games = awesome Head games = douchey lol
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Board games = awesome Head games = douchey lol

    hahahaha .. that just reminded me .. my son called his father a douche nugget !!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Love that kid!
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I'd say with the internet it would have to be easier.... Ahem..

    I getting knocked back left right and centre on my dating site, girls round here clearly have the upper hand!!

    Ps Allan you are prettiest man and will always have MY heart :laugh: :drinker:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I think the main problem is that the guys who are douches tend to have more confidence than the nice guys. I just get sick of the ones who are stalkers and it makes me hesitant to talk to guys in general.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Can someone explain to me how a guy acting like a douche,which is a tangible thing (words,actions etc) but has some abstract and arbitrary quality that we will call "confidence" is desirable in either the short or long term?
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Can someone explain to me how a guy acting like a douche,which is a tangible thing (words,actions etc) but has some abstract and arbitrary quality that we will call "confidence" is desirable in either the short or long term?

    His "douche-ness" cancels out the attraction of his confidence and brings his desire factor back to zero. At least for me it does.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Can someone explain to me how a guy acting like a douche,which is a tangible thing (words,actions etc) but has some abstract and arbitrary quality that we will call "confidence" is desirable in either the short or long term?

    Simply because "a relationship" is often preferable to "no relationship" when you're a stupid young girl (generally found in the less than 30 y.o. slice tbh, probably early 20s), with self esteem issues. Men around you are shy, inexperienced and don't ask girls out.

    Then the douche comes out, ASKS YOU OUT (first time of your life!), you feel like you're worth something and you just stick with the man for years even though he doesn't care about you.
    Most of the time, the only thing the douche does is asking the girl out, and from then on promising he will change, and the ladies are sentimental so they like this kind of crap (you know, stories of redemption, the happy endings and stuff) and so they stay around until they realise this is the real world and the guy is - in fact - doomed.

    Then they become bitter old women and start posting here that they don't like douches.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I think there is just a tendency to assume that a really confident guy is hard to get, so if he wants you, it lures you in for a bit. Then you realize what a douche he is, and you walk away (if you have any self-respect at all). I think it's the same thing with men and really attractive women. Even if they are total witches from the minute you meet, if they're really hot, you'll get enough of a high that you'll hang out for a bit before realizing you can't put up with her crap forever.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Can someone explain to me how a guy acting like a douche,which is a tangible thing (words,actions etc) but has some abstract and arbitrary quality that we will call "confidence" is desirable in either the short or long term?

    I don't think the two mean the same thing. At least not in my eyes. With my exhusband .. he drove a hot car .. he wasn't available all the time .. had alot of friends .. he wasn't all clingy and needy .. made me feel like he would be just fine without me .. so I wanted to make him NOT fine without me. lol. It is all about the chase .. about making him choose me. So when he admitted feelings every now and again, I felt like the king of the world. The thrill of the chase "hid" the fact that he was a douche. lol. I only saw the good things he showed me every now and again .. that is what I focused on. After we were married is when I realized .. oh hell .. what did I get here? lol. When that stuff wasn't attractive anymore.

    After we were married .. I wanted him to be the "nice" guy. So, if one can look past the excitement of landing the bad boy and realize that the nice guy is what they want as an end game ... the nice guy will win. Make sense? lololol.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Then they become bitter old women and start posting here that they don't like douches.

    Harsh dude. lol
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I think there are a lot of assumptions that people are douche bags... sure if you write some stupid horny message I think you get the title of being a douche bag. But in single peeps, I see many of the gals getting overly excited about 1 or 2 dates thinking he's the greatest guy ever and then when dude isn't interested he is an instant douche. I'm just going to throw this out there, the word douche bag is so overly used by woman that I'm just going to assume you're a douche bag for using it.... BLAH.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Simply because "a relationship" is often preferable to "no relationship" when you're a stupid young girl (generally found in the less than 30 y.o. slice tbh, probably early 20s), with self esteem issues. Men around you are shy, inexperienced and don't ask girls out.

    Then the douche comes out, ASKS YOU OUT (first time of your life!), you feel like you're worth something and you just stick with the man for years even though he doesn't care about you.
    Most of the time, the only thing the douche does is asking the girl out, and from then on promising he will change, and the ladies are sentimental so they like this kind of crap (you know, stories of redemption, the happy endings and stuff) and so they stay around until they realise this is the real world and the guy is - in fact - doomed.

    Then they become bitter old women and start posting here that they don't like douches.

    Story of my life.. except he wasn't the first guy to ask me out.. but he was the first guy like HIM to ask me out.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Confidence to me is being comfortable in your own skin, going after what you want and having a back bone to stick up for yourself and those you care for. Douche is going after girls/guys because you think you deserve to have them but you don't care enough after the chase to actually put the energy into the relationship and make it grow.

    Does that make sense?

    Oh and both guys and girls can be douche bags but girls usually get called b!tch instead.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    But in single peeps, I see many of the gals getting overly excited about 1 or 2 dates thinking he's the greatest guy ever and then when dude isn't interested he is an instant douche. I'm just going to throw this out there, the word douche bag is so overly used by woman that I'm just going to assume your a douche bag for using it.... BLAH.

    Us girls.. we like to talk. You know this and this group is proof that WE can talk. So in the real world, I talk to my friends about guys/ dates/ etc and yes I'd call guys *kitten*, *kitten*, jerks, etc if they pissed me off.. Maybe you see a lot more women on here talking about "douches" because we just talk/ vent more on here?

    I'm not generalizing but I'm sure when boys are with the boys they talk about women/ dates/ etc using other words than "lady" or "woman". I'm not saying everybody but I have overheard many conversations between men at happy hours, restaurants, bars, parties, etc...
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    THIS!!! my clothes will stay on. i do have a new 90 day goal, started yesterday, that is having an back that is worth of topless pics. but, it will be of my BACK!!!! i won't ever post a pic of me in a bikini, underwear, or anything close.

    i have no opinion on the word douche. it's something women are not supposed to do. that's all it means to me. :-)
    I think he was just covering his *kitten* and really thought you were the pretty one. lol

    This is exactly why I don't post any pictures of my progress that aren't fully clothed.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    . So, if one can look past the excitement of landing the bad boy and realize that the nice guy is what they want as an end game ... the nice guy will win. Make sense? lololol.

    Yes, but unfortunately the "nice guys" aren't interested in the "nice girls." I, myself, prefer “nice guys.” They always enjoy my company, but pine away for the spicier/sexier/mean/psycho girls.