Introduce Yourself



  • Mrs16
    Mrs16 Posts: 86
    Hi everyone,

    I am happy to be here as well. I a, a42 year old mom of 2 boys (21 and 16) I put all my weight on in the last year with some personal issues. I don't recall how I gained the weight-I just woke up one day and realized how big I had become. I currently am not working (which doesn't help the goal)
    My sw was 200 , my cw is 194and my gw is 150 , I am 5'8.

    I wish everyone luck on your journey.

  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Dawn. I am a newly turned 43 year old mom of two who is extremely busy. Then again who isn't these days? lol
    I have always been overweight, even as a child. I got to hear form my mom that I was the reason she was fat. She used to be a model then became pregnant with me and we all know what happens from there...
    Married to the love of my life, we've been together since we were 18. :)
    I am a weight watchers drop out. I just didn't feel like I was getting the support I needed. I did well on program and lost over 50lbs. Decided to do it by myself and well, eventually the weight crept back on. It did take a few years, but it's back.
    Something happened when I turned 40. Not sure what it is, but I used to be a shy, nose in book, stay in at home type of person. Now, I go out with friends, put myself out there and ran for the board of education in my City (currently serving my second term), went to Real Estate school and found an agency I love! I am now surrounded by people all day, every day! lol

    I was on MFP before but only allowed myRL friends to friend me on here. Eventually they all gave up or had surgeries... which means I stopped visiting here too.

    Last year I had my annual physical (only a couple of years behind schedule). Scale said obese (well I knew that) Blood pressure registered me as dead lol... eventually they realized they had to do it manually and the BP was a bit high, not high enough to require meds though. They did a complete blood panel. Cholesterol was off, but not off enough to require meds. Blood sugar was within range. Doc decided I needed to have my kidneys and liver checked, so I went for an ultrasound. Yeah, that turned into a full body ultrasound! Ugh I was so annoyed! They checked arteries, heart, liver, kidneys, gallbladder, lungs and anything in between! I demanded the reults right then and there.. except for the gallstones I have had for 12 years, I was in good health. My doc insisted that at my weight there was no way I could be healthy and she wanted to run more tests.
    Yep, you guessed it, I told the doc off and never went back.

    Now something clicked after my 43rd birthday. Only I can control my life. I can allow outside influences to determine what my life is like or I CAN determine what my life is going to be! So I AM BACK and with a NEW ATTITUDE! :) Only a coupl eof my RL friends are on MFP. Everynoe else are people I have met through MFP. People that are on the same journey and together we can encourage and support each other to reach that goal line!

    I hate exercising - yet I have been out every day this week walking for a minimum of 30 minutes.
    I hate water - yet I have been getting in the minimuim of 8oz and will up it to half my body weight in ozs. (I forgot how much I have to pee when this happens!!)
    I hate healthy food - well not really hate...but definitely not my first choice - working on making the better choices

    My highest weight ever was 366
    SW this time was 355
    CW 344
    GW about 165

    So I am a warrior! :)
    Feel free to add me! :)

    (lol...I just realized how long this post is! Sorry!)
  • queensarcade
    Hi all,

    My name is Sharon and have been doing the Low Carb diet for about a month now (2nd time around this year).
    Original start weight - 249
    Current weight - 229.5 :smile:
    Short term goal 220, 199,...
    Final Goal 140 :love:

    I have been on fitday before but this is the first time I have joined a group...thanks to my sister!!!! YAY. Pink-geranium!!
    I have just started a Boxing fitness class for ladies and am walking on the in between days.

    We CAN do this!!!!
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Hi I'm Sharon, 54 years old, married, 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren. My first experience with low carb was a diet (hoax) called Kimkins. I did the diet for about 3 -4 months and lost 50 pounds. I felt fabulous. It's true once the carbs are out of the system the cravings go too. Obviously I fell off that wagon and regained all the weight back. My highest weight ever is 325lbs. I'm only 5'4" but really feel good when I am around 200. I know that doesn't match any charts and would still classify me as obese but at that weight I feel good, can shop in normal stores and as my husband puts it "have a great a**". I have never had any desire to weigh 145 which is what most charts say I should weigh.

    CW 295
    GW 210

    We'll see what happens when I get there. That's about what I weighed when I met my now hubby in 2003. I just want to be there again. BTW with Kimkins I learned low carb is definitely for me and my husband is type II diabetic so it's best in our home for this to be the way we live.

    Any advice and or input would be greatly appreciated.
  • Egracias
    Egracias Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My name is Elizabeth. I just found this website last week. But I have been losing weight now for three months and doing a fairly good job. But I'm looking for a little more motivation. I am in my early 30's, have a wonderful husband, a beautiful baby boy, two dogs and a cat. Can't ask for much more (other than be more healthy).

    I have always been overweight for my entire life. However, when I was in college I decided to do something about it. I worked really hard and lost about 100 pounds in about a year and a half. I was down to almost 170 pounds (my lowest weight ever). But my wedding was coming up and I used that as an excuse to not continue to my final goal. Years passed and I gained about 20 pounds back. Then, a year and a half ago, I had my son and I gained about 30 more pounds. Just this year I decided to put a stop to the weight gain. I couldn't fit back into my pre-maternity clothes yet and was getting a little frustrated. I had made a promise to myself that I would never see the young girl that weighed 280 pounds agian and I have to keep that promise to myself. So,with the support and encouragment of my husband, I started counting, charting, and documenting the journey of my weight loss once again.

    The difference this time is that I KNOW that I will reach my goal! It may take another year and a half or longer but I'm finally going to do it.

    Starting Weight: 203
    Current Weight: 185.6
    Next Goal: 183.2 (almost there!)
    Current Total Weight Loss: 17.6 pounds
    Final Goal: 130

    My Tools for Success:
    -Food Diary: writing everything down is key for me. If I don't write it down I will over-eat.
    -Weekly Exercise Goals: gotta meet those goals to keep it moving
    -My Husband: always supportive and never judgmental
  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    Hi there! I'm Artemis. I'm twenty-one years old and engaged-- if we can get money stuff sorted out, we'll be married in August 2013. I'm currently attending college, hoping to get accepted to the nursing program at the local community college and eventually get my Masters in Nursing.

    This is the heaviest I've ever been, although I've been overweight most of my life. I'm extremely unhappy with the way I am right now, and I'm hoping to turn that around. I like to bike and run (although, as I'm sure some of the ladies here might understand, that's a little difficult with a DD chest!) and I recently acquired an old but sturdy treadmill that I walk on while I watch Netflix (because if I don't have something else to focus on, I quit.) I've added strength training to my cardio and although I haven't weighed myself yet, I already feel better. I was glad to find this site a week ago!

    Starting (and current) weight: 246
    Short-term goal: 200
    Long-term goal: 140
    CAMOLOVELADY Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, my name is Angel. I am a 37 year old single mother of 3. I have a wonderful man in my life but we are only engaged and unfortunately he is not my childrens' father. With that I have known him all but the first 2 years of my life. I have been around him for years and have watched his 2 children grow up into the beautiful women they are. We are hoping that everything goes right for us so that we are able to stick to our wedding plans of June/July of 2018. Hence the reason I am here. I need to lose some weight before my wedding so that I can fit into my wedding dress.

    My starting weight is 245. This is the highest I have ever been even with being pregnant I was never above 220. After my youngest daughter was born that is when the weight seemed to come on rather quickly.

    My goal weight is around 160-165. While this is going to take me a good amount of time, I am willing to take the challenge and work towards my goal. I will have to work harder at my goal and stay with it this time as to not bounce back into my old habits.

    I think that if I start with a smaller more manageable goal to start with immediately, I am sure to have more success. So right now I am going to aim my goal to getting down to at least 135 by the time I go back to my doctor in a months time.