is this for me too? will it work for me?

rima933 Posts: 151 Member
Hi im 5'6 weight 180.6 female, and exercise about 3 times a week (usually high calorie burns) Im a stay at home mom of 2 kids, ive been aiming my calories between 1100-1600 for the past few months. Alot of times im over on sugar because i eat alot of fruit. (is that bad?) And i read this topic today that says you can lose more weight if you eat more. my tdee is 2530, Im losing weight but very slowly.


  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mostly people who begin to eat more do so because they hit a plateu or they realize their body is sending out distress signals because it doesn't feel like it's getting enough fuel.

    What most people on here have recommened (and has seemed to work just fine for me) is to find your TDEE on a normal day and subtract 15% of it and aim for the number you get. That way you're eating below your maintenance level but not eating below your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is where most people stall out because the body doesn't think it's getting enough food.

    Maybe you should try it for 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I always like to experiment with different ideas and see what works for me. Don't get discouraged if the scale goes up just a bit. Stick to a timeline and see what happens.

    Hope this helps!!
  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    Mostly people who begin to eat more do so because they hit a plateu or they realize their body is sending out distress signals because it doesn't feel like it's getting enough fuel.

    What most people on here have recommened (and has seemed to work just fine for me) is to find your TDEE on a normal day and subtract 15% of it and aim for the number you get. That way you're eating below your maintenance level but not eating below your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is where most people stall out because the body doesn't think it's getting enough food.

    Maybe you should try it for 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I always like to experiment with different ideas and see what works for me. Don't get discouraged if the scale goes up just a bit. Stick to a timeline and see what happens.

    Hope this helps!!

    Ok so i just looked at my reports to see what i have been doing when i lose weight. It seems to me that i was basically burning myself out, i have been netting like 500-800 calories most of the days. So obviously thats too low. Should i jump to the tdee - 15% right away? or just do the 1200 and eat back all my exercise calories. im so confused.
  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    Mostly people who begin to eat more do so because they hit a plateu or they realize their body is sending out distress signals because it doesn't feel like it's getting enough fuel.

    What most people on here have recommened (and has seemed to work just fine for me) is to find your TDEE on a normal day and subtract 15% of it and aim for the number you get. That way you're eating below your maintenance level but not eating below your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is where most people stall out because the body doesn't think it's getting enough food.

    Maybe you should try it for 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I always like to experiment with different ideas and see what works for me. Don't get discouraged if the scale goes up just a bit. Stick to a timeline and see what happens.

    Hope this helps!!

    Ok so i just looked at my reports to see what i have been doing when i lose weight. It seems to me that i was basically burning myself out, i have been netting like 500-800 calories most of the days. So obviously thats too low. Should i jump to the tdee - 15% right away? or just do the 1200 and eat back all my exercise calories. im so confused.

    I say jump to TDEE - 15% right away and stick to it for 4-6 weeks. Monitor how your clothes are fitting, if the scale moves, if you are losing inches, if your body fat % is decreasing, and in general how you are feeling. I think you might be surprised that you can eat and still lose weight!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yeah that's a good question. From what I've seen on here most people just jump straight to it. But if you do'nt feel like that's a good idea then I would just ease your way into it.

    I jumped straight to it but that's because mine wasn't a huge jump. What you see on my diary right now (1380 calories) is my TDEE - 15% so that way I aim for that number if I DON'T workout that day. And if I do workout that day I eat more. Of course, I travel a TON for work, so I'm usually over this number every time but i digress...

    I think what's most important is listening to your body. I wake and up I'm hungry - I eat. I try to workout every day except on the weekends I give myself a break if I want. I try to eat good-for-me foods so that way I can eat a lot without as many calories.

    Maybe you should try just upping your calories to where you net (calories - exercise calories) around 1300-1500 and see how you feel..? Because I agree, netting 500-800 is wayyyyy too low. For any adult.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mostly people who begin to eat more do so because they hit a plateu or they realize their body is sending out distress signals because it doesn't feel like it's getting enough fuel.

    What most people on here have recommened (and has seemed to work just fine for me) is to find your TDEE on a normal day and subtract 15% of it and aim for the number you get. That way you're eating below your maintenance level but not eating below your basal metabolic rate (BMR) which is where most people stall out because the body doesn't think it's getting enough food.

    Maybe you should try it for 4-6 weeks and see what happens. I always like to experiment with different ideas and see what works for me. Don't get discouraged if the scale goes up just a bit. Stick to a timeline and see what happens.

    Hope this helps!!

    Ok so i just looked at my reports to see what i have been doing when i lose weight. It seems to me that i was basically burning myself out, i have been netting like 500-800 calories most of the days. So obviously thats too low. Should i jump to the tdee - 15% right away? or just do the 1200 and eat back all my exercise calories. im so confused.

    I say jump to TDEE - 15% right away and stick to it for 4-6 weeks. Monitor how your clothes are fitting, if the scale moves, if you are losing inches, if your body fat % is decreasing, and in general how you are feeling. I think you might be surprised that you can eat and still lose weight!

    Yeah, good advice. Making sure you stick to the 4-6 weeks is key. If you see the scale go up and then freak out and stop you won't ever know if it was going to work....