Spike Days?

I asked this on another thread, but thought I'd start a new one since it's a new topic. Does anyone have days where they spike calories a bit higher than usual? I remember reading about people using this method to keep the metabolism revved. Does it help? I'm just wondering because I've gone from losing 1-1.5 lbs a week to .5 a week or less. I know this is not about speedy weight loss, but I just want to make sure my metabolism isn't slowing back down for some reason. The reason I ask about spike days is because I've noticed some of my drops (when my weight drops to a new low) are after a day that I exceeded my calorie goal. Thoughts? For those that use them, how do you know how much to spike up and how often in a week do you use spike days?


  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I do not deliberately do spike days although I have had a day or two where I've gone over my cals a little....
    But I do recall reading that Kiki and/or Lucia will spike over their calories and eat at TDEE sometimes if they are really hungry. I don't think it's deliberate though.