Is this too good to be true?

I am a 40 year old female with two kids and I have battled the scale my entire life. Up and down, gaining, losing, struggling...exhausted. At this point in my life I feel like I should be an "expert" on the subject of losing weight. I have tried everything, and that is not an exaggeration. I lose 5 pounds, gain 3...lose 2 pounds, gain 4 and so on and so on, for years. Meanwhile, I have plenty of skinny friends and when I'm around them I can't help but notice that they always eat more than me, a lot more. So, why am I the chunky one? While searching for answers I stumbled on MFP a few weeks ago and I love it! I have a spinal cord injury, so high impact exercise is out of the question. Because of that, I need to have most of my success come from my diet. MFP helps me to be accountable and aware of what I'm eating. I managed to lose 2 pounds in a few weeks and then gained it back.....same old story.

I came across the Eat More Weigh Less thread and couldn't help but be intrigued. Could this be where I've been going wrong all these years? Is this the answer? Have I been starving myself in a quest for thinness when I should have been feeding my body? Thank you so much for this information, I really hope it turns out to be the answer to my lifelong struggle. I am learning all I can, and I am excited to see where my journey leads.


  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    YES! EAT! :) Use this website:

    plug in your info. It will give you your TDEE, your BMR, and your CUT at the bottom.
  • dlf820
    dlf820 Posts: 20
    Thanks! According to that, I should be eating 1,823 calories!! For someone that tries to stay between 1,100 to 1,200 this is a DREAM!!
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Thanks! According to that, I should be eating 1,823 calories!! For someone that tries to stay between 1,100 to 1,200 this is a DREAM!!

    Just remember to read the "What to expect" sticky. There are some bumps associated to making this lifestyle change. And that only stems from you starving your body for so long.

    Also, bust out the tape measure and start measuring yourself.

    and lastly....this is NOT an eat whatever you want and get away with it diet. You still have to make healthy choice and hit your macros and what not.

    Welcome to the group!
  • dlf820
    dlf820 Posts: 20
    Thanks, that was great information. I already measured, since I'm pretty sure that's where I'll see progress first. I'm actually a pretty healthy eater (most of the time), I just think I've been starving myself!
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome and good luck! There is tons of info and support here, so don't be afraid to ask! We are all on this journey together!
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Welcome to the best group ever!
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Years ago I used to eat non stop. And I was the smallest I was in my life. I ate every few minutes all day every day with no restrictions. And I was a skinny bugger. So it makes sense.
  • Jentaylor0295
    Jentaylor0295 Posts: 93 Member
    Ugh, MFP has me at 1200 calories per day. I am hungry all the time! I try and make good choices and eat healthy but just feel like I cannot get enough to eat. Plus i'm tired all the time and keep losing and gaining the same 7 pounds over and over again. I'm going to give this a shot and see if I have any success. I love reading all the information in this group :)
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Ugh, MFP has me at 1200 calories per day. I am hungry all the time! I try and make good choices and eat healthy but just feel like I cannot get enough to eat. Plus i'm tired all the time and keep losing and gaining the same 7 pounds over and over again. I'm going to give this a shot and see if I have any success. I love reading all the information in this group :)

    Be prepared. You'll have more energy than you have had in a LONG time.
  • rotnkat
    rotnkat Posts: 393 Member
    I have only been doing this consistently since 5/3/12 and while I have gained a few pounds I have lost a few inches. So I'm not so worried about the numbers on the scale. Because I know it'll catch up to the inches lost once my body forgives me for being so stingy with my calories for all those years!!!!!! :drinker:

    This is what I do to get my cut numbers. First I go to this website to get my BF% (use the military calculator) and then I go to to get my cut #'s.

    On the Scooby website enter in your stat and in step# 8 choose Katch-McArdle and in step# 8A enter in your BF% and then eat the calories listed in the chart that say "Daily calories based on goal in step 6".

    So Welcome aboard and if you have any questions you've come to the right place. Because this is one fine group of peeps right here!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
